Wonder what you’re going to do next.  Wonder what the future will bring.  Wonder how to love more deeply, passionately and without reservations.  Wonder what to have for breakfast – with curiosity, excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm Dear One.  Wonder without limits about all of the endless possibilities for your life. Wonder about all of the choices that are available to you.  But don’t wonder for too long or you will loose the benefit of wondering.

Wondering fuels your actions.  Wondering propels you forward, motivates you, expands your horizons.  But it is only good in moderation.  Think of it like gasoline for your car.  You only need enough gas to fill up the tank – then it’s time to go, until the thank gets low and you need to fill up again.  You don’t want to waste all of your time sitting around at the gas station when there is so much to experience out on the open road.  When your tank is full………go!