Just like you use your feet to move your physical body in the direction that you want to travel Dear One, we would like to encourage you to use your thoughts to move your emotional and spiritual body in much the same way.

If you wanted to go uptown to see a movie, you would not leave your home and start traveling downtown and assume that if you continued on in this direction you would eventually arrive at your desired destination, would you?

  • If you want to be stronger, choose thoughts that make you feel more powerful, not ones that make you doubt yourself and your abilities.
  • If you want to be braver, choose thoughts that ground you, not ones that make you feel out of control.
  • If you want to be successful, choose thoughts that empower you, not ones that make you feel as if you are incapable.
  • If you want to be desired, choose thoughts that make you feel desirable, not ones that make you feel insecure.
  • If you want to feel more connected, choose thoughts that bring you closer to your source, not ones that hold you apart from it.

Like your feet, your thoughts are powerful conveyors Dear One.

So remember to choose them wisely and with great intention.