You are a profoundly powerful, divine spiritual being, Dear One.

And you are surrounded each and every day by profoundly powerful, divine spiritual beings.

Some of them may know it. Some of them may be aware of their divinity, and some of them may not. But their level of awareness does not change who or what they are. The only thing that knowing changes is their  personal experience of that truth.

But you can know it, Dear One. You can choose to see and trust and acknowledge their divinity, even if they can’t.

And while knowing may not have any impact on them, Dear One, on their experience of you, you can be sure that knowing will have a deep and profound impact on your experience of them. And truth be told, that is all we are really concerned with at this time — teaching you, helping you, guiding you towards improving your experience of the world around you and all of the people in it.

You are living a life surrounded by spirit, Dear One, seeped in the divine.

All you need to do to begin to benefit from this reality, is to acknowledge it.