Don’t help because you think that you should, Dear One – because you think that someone is watching – because you think it is the right thing to do – because you feel pity, fear, guilt or obligation.

Help because you want to.  Help because it feels good to you to do so.

Remember, what you put out there is what you get back.

  • If you put out insincerity – insincerity is what you will get back.
  • If you put out resentment – resentment is what you will get back.
  • If you put out bitterness – bitterness is what you will get back.

If you don’t mean it Dear One – do yourself a favor, and don’t do it.


  •  If you put out hope –
  • If you put out generosity –
  • If you put out compassion –
  • If you put out joy  –
  • If you put out love –

Well, you get the idea.

Don’t fake it, Dear One.

Choose a different attitude instead, and then help.