Be fierce in your convictions Dear One as some things are worth fighting for and will require a fight from you to achieve.  But it is important that you are clear on what it is exactly that you are fighting.  Most often, it is not a fight against a cause, an injustice, a person or a perceived slight that will motivate you to action, anger or confrontation.  It is a fight against yourself and your own ability to find a shortcut out of any situation.   You must fight the urge to blame someone or something else for the place you now find yourself standing.  You must fight the urge to fall back and wait for someone else to come along and rescue you.  Because while rescues do happen, you must always remember to take responsibility for yourself – for the good and the bad.  After-all, you do most often play a role in creating both.

Responsibility is a big step.  One that can take a lifetime to learn.  But like all good things in  your life – it is a process – it takes time.  So open up and embrace the process.  It will be well worth it, we can assure you.