Don’t allow yourself to become imprisoned by the choices, decisions and promises that you made yesterday Dear One.

Your understanding of the world around you is constantly changing and growing. In every moment, the potential exists for you to know something new that you did not know the moment before. This new information is constantly changing your perspective – and this constantly changing perspective is a gift.  Don’t throw it away simply because you “adamantly” made a decision about something yesterday.

Today, your new perspective, your current vantage point, might allow you to see something that will make yesterdays perspective obsolete. Embrace those moments when they happen Dear One and allow them to change you, change your mind and change your behavior. It would be a real shame to stand in one place all of your life simply because you told someone that you would.

Don’t let your desire to be right or loyal or trustworthy supersede your desire to live your life to the fullest.  Don’t let the promises that you made yesterday stop you from living your life today.  The truth is that the people that you made them to have changed as well.  Their needs, desires and perspectives are not going to the be same forever either.

Honor yourself and your commitments as they make sense in the moment and don’t allow yourself to be ruled by a past that is already gone or a future that does not yet exist.