Love is a feeling, an energy, an experience that you open up to, that you allow to flow through you.  It is a bright light that you shine on an object of desire.  It is something that you give away.   It is in its movement through you that love has its strongest impact on you Dear One.  Receiving love is wonderful.  But it pales in comparison to the experience of giving it away.  Truly.

So when you find an object that inspires feelings of love in you, allow yourself to be moved by it, motivated by it, opened up by it.  Don’t worry about whether or not  you will get love back before you begin giving it.  Just love.  No grand declaration is necessary.  No change of relationship status is called for.  No long awkward conversations must first ensure.  None of that is necessary for you to give love and have the profound experience of loving.  All that is required of you is a willingness to do so.  And that we can see you’ve clearly got.

Don’t waist time trying to define, understand or dissect love before you start sharing it.  It is not necessary.  Just let it flow.  Love those that you do with your heart wide open and enjoy the experience as it flows through you out into the world, towards your intended and well beyond, without fear, without expectation, without hesitation.

Nothing bad ever came from simply loving someone Dear One.