No one, and we mean absolutely no one is perfect Dear One.  And yet – at the same time, you are all absolutely perfect.

This is not just another one of life’s contradictions that you are meant to accept and move on.  It is simply an answer from two different vantage points.

From your physical perspective, when you align your thoughts with your physical self, perfection is not possible.  People can deceive themselves with an illusion and think that it is attainable, but we can assure you that it is not. Preferences are real Dear One, perfection does not exist.

BUT when you choose to align yourself with your spiritual identity, with your spiritual self, then yes, you are perfect – all of you – each and everyone one of you is a perfect soul, a glorious spark of the divine, a piece of all that is.

You are both physical and spiritual at once Dear One. Don’t try so hard to keep these parts of yourself separated from one another.  Open yourself up so that you can see/share/experience both realities simultaneously – your spiritual perfection and your physical imperfections.  You are spectacular any way you look at it.

Allow both of these identities to come into focus at once and live your life authentically, auspiciously and fully awake.

Embrace both your spiritual and physical self at once and you will see a new world emerge before you eyes, boundaries will shift and limitations will disappear.