On: Cleaning house

By |2016-04-19T03:31:49-04:00June 21st, 2012|English|

Clean up Dear One. There is an abundance of “clutter” around you that quite frankly, you would feel so much better without. There is an excess of uncertainty, restraint, and frustration in your life.  There is too much self pity, self-doubt, fear and need for approval.  It will be much easier for you to create the life that want for yourself when your space is not full of all of the things that you don’t want.

Are you ready let go and be rid of these things?  It is easier to do then you might think.  Here is the trick:  Do nothing.  That’s it.   That’s all.  Do nothing and all of the excesses in your life will fade away, diminish, be gone.

Do nothing to acknowledge them.  Do nothing to feed them.  Do nothing to indulge them or justify them or explain them or rationalize them.  Do not apologize for them.  Do not track how long you have had them.  Do absolutely nothing to, or for them anymore……and they will go away.

As soon as you stop feeding, fueling and acknowledging that which you longer want, that which no longer serves you, it will cease to be.  It is your attention to something that causes it to grow, that gives it energy, that attracts more of it to you.  So instead of giving even the smallest amount of your attention to that which is unwanted, try instead, to give it only to that which is wanted.  And then watch those things begin to take on a place of dominance in your life.

Clean up your thoughts Dear One and you will begin to clean up your life.

On: Change

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00June 19th, 2012|English|

You say you want things to be different and yet you continue to bring the same attitude, beliefs and expectations to the table each day. How can you continue to think, feel and act the same way and expect your experience to change?

Your circumstances are not holding you back Dear One. You are.



On: Waiting

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00June 18th, 2012|English, Uncategorized|

Stop waiting for all of the right answers. Stop waiting to be certain. Stop waiting for road signs to show you the way. Stop waiting for circumstances to force you into action. Stop waiting for someone to agree with you or approve of you, or encourage you before you take a step, make a change or take a risk, to follow your heart. Stop waiting for permission to live your life. Stop wasting your time waiting Dear One.

The time for pretending to be timid, incapable, unworthy or anything less than you really are is long over. It’s your life Dear One. You are meant to be enjoying it. There are no rules to follow. There are no right answers. You can’t get it wrong. The only person you need permission from to start living the life that you want is you.

Is the wait over?





On: Promises

By |2016-04-19T03:32:01-04:00June 18th, 2012|English|

Don’t allow yourself to become imprisoned by the choices, decisions and promises that you made yesterday Dear One.

Your understanding of the world around you is constantly changing and growing. In every moment, the potential exists for you to know something new that you did not know the moment before. This new information is constantly changing your perspective – and this constantly changing perspective is a gift.  Don’t throw it away simply because you “adamantly” made a decision about something yesterday.

Today, your new perspective, your current vantage point, might allow you to see something that will make yesterdays perspective obsolete. Embrace those moments when they happen Dear One and allow them to change you, change your mind and change your behavior. It would be a real shame to stand in one place all of your life simply because you told someone that you would.

Don’t let your desire to be right or loyal or trustworthy supersede your desire to live your life to the fullest.  Don’t let the promises that you made yesterday stop you from living your life today.  The truth is that the people that you made them to have changed as well.  Their needs, desires and perspectives are not going to the be same forever either.

Honor yourself and your commitments as they make sense in the moment and don’t allow yourself to be ruled by a past that is already gone or a future that does not yet exist.

On: Trying

By |2016-04-21T04:09:21-04:00June 17th, 2012|English, Uncategorized|

  • Don’t try to paint a picture – just paint.
  • Don’t try to fall in love – just love.
  • Don’t try to be creative – just create.

Don’t try so hard Dear One.  It really is just not necessary.  Yes, effort, even great effort may be required of you in certain circumstances and situations – But it need not be a struggle.  Don’t mistake effort for struggle.  They are two vastly different things.

Allow.  Let go and let your intuition guide you.  Trust yourself more than you do, because you hold within you the wisdom of the ages and all of the answers to all of the questions that you could ever possibly ask.   But if believing that is too much of a leap for you to take on today, then simply start by respecting the wisdom of you.

On: What is

By |2016-04-19T03:32:09-04:00June 15th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Fretting about “what is” is like fretting about the rain during a rainstorm.

There is nothing you can do to stop the water the from falling from the sky but can choose how you are going to react to it.

You can stay inside. You can go out with an umbrella, a rain coat, rubber boots or all three. You can run around the block with nothing on and get wet or you can choose to go out in your favorite suede coat. You can dance in a puddle or take a walk with a lightening rod.

You can’t stop the rain Dear One, but you can choose how you are going to experience it.


On: Remembering

By |2016-04-19T03:32:08-04:00June 13th, 2012|English|

Remember why it is that you are here Dear One.

It is not to tie up one more loose end, to make more money or to lose 5 more lbs.. It is not to complete the items on one more to-do list. It is not to prove a point – that you are right and they are wrong. It is not to beat yourself up – when they are right and you are wrong.

You are here to live your life and have an experience of being alive. You are here to feel, to create, connect, risk, love, laugh, cry, learn and trust. You are here to choose, decide, and know the depths to which you can experience joy. You are here to have an adventure and to discover who and what you really are and what you are capable of.

And when you discover all that, you are here to make the absolute most of your time, of this physical experience, that you are choosing to have.

On: The Past

By |2023-06-06T22:04:17-04:00June 12th, 2012|English|

Childhood is over Dear One. You are no longer a little person living within an environment that you have seemingly no control over. You are an adult and you now get to choose, without fear or concern of being disobedient to anyone else but yourself.

When faced with a trial that requires you to face your past, remember that whatever it is, it is no longer your currently reality. You don’t have to bring it back into the present moment with you if you choose not to. Others might approach you on the subject with energy, impressions or patters that used to exist back then. It may still be their reality.  That doesn’t mean that it has to continue to be yours.  Remember, at those moments, that you can choose not to dive right back into old patterns with them. You can choose to stay right where you are, in the present moment and deal with the situation from where you now stand. Just because they are choosing to engage in old patterns, does not mean that you have to join them in this practice.

When facing the past Dear One, anchor yourself in the present first, for that is the only place from where you can impact change.   KNOW that what you have learned and accomplished for yourself since that time, no one can take away from you, ever.

In the present, you get to decide what your past means to you. You can assign a lot of meaning to it or no meaning at all. That is completely up to you and only you.

On: Getting what you want

By |2016-04-19T03:31:50-04:00June 11th, 2012|English|

You are the creator of your world Dear One. What you give out is what comes back to you. It is a universal law. Give out insecurity and you will attract insecurity. Give out caution, fear and distrust and you will attract caution, fear and distrust in the people, events and circumstances that surround you. Give out joy, creativity, inspiration, generosity, compassion, confidence and love and guess what you’ll get back?

What you put out there is what you get back. Pay attention and you’ll see.

You are much more in control than you think you are.  


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