What an enormous waste of your precious time to spend even one more minute of it wondering  “what if” Dear One.  Who cares about what could have been?  It didn’t happen!  It wasn’t!  All of the wondering in the world is never going to change that – ever – regardless of how much of yourself you choose to sacrifice to the idol of regret.

What a shame it would be to miss out on something really fantastically wonderful in the moment because you were wasting your time looking backwards at your past.

It’s time to let go of the disappointment.  It’s time to let go of the notion that you lost out or missed out on something.  Because you haven’t.  Trust us.  Everything that is meant to be, will be.

Let it go – release yourself from the prison of “what if” and join us once again in the present moment of “what is”.  You’re the only one that can free yourself.  You are the only one with key.  Use it.  We promise you, you won’t be sorry that you did.