Optimism is a very powerful tool at your disposal Dear one and we would love to see you pull it out and use it a great deal more than you have been.
The thing about optimism is that it really is one of those all or nothing kind of things . You are either optimistic or you are not.
This is a yes or no, a stand still or leap choice for you Dear One. And we want to wholeheartedly and enthusiastically encourage you to jump, leap, soar right into optimism, completely, 100%, without any hesitation.
Decide right now that you are going to look for and see only the best in every person, situation or circumstance in your life. Don’t think about it – just do it.
We can assure you, your life will be all the better for it.
What have you got to lose?
Pessimism, doubt and judgement will all still be there for you if you should find that you really just can’t live without them.
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