Apologize Dear One, to those you have wronged or have treated unfairly. Simply stopping the negative behavior is not always enough to turn it around – to let it go – for either one of you.
Something very powerful happens when you shine a light into the darkness, when you acknowledge your actions, and give others the opportunity to do the same.
Apologize Dear One to release, to truly let it go.
You will be giving both yourself and the others involved a great gift.
Hi Michelle! I’m brand new here and love all of the messages you write! These messages are all from your guides?…to give to all of us? Do I have that right? I can’t seem to get enough of spiritual writings,messages and suggestions lately,thank you for yours!<3 Christine from L.I. Ny
PS…Is it my computer or this site/the wording on here is so very light in color,I could barely see it. I can see the bold stuff but everything else is so light,just wanted to enquire about that.w/b if you have a chance…you do private readings? Also, are you into keeping up with the SHIFT thats going on? I wanted to get your take on it. Thanks again!!!