On: Are we there yet?

By |2012-11-10T22:09:21-05:00November 10th, 2012|English|

Take one step forward at a time Dear One, joyfully, intentionally, mindfully, excited about where you are going, and you will be traveling faster towards your desired destination then if you ran full steam ahead towards it motivated by frustration, sadness, anger, fear or insecurity.

Mindful choices guided by good feelings are infinitely more powerful than those guided by loss, lack, obligation, fear or desperation.

It is not the amount of space between where you are and where you want to be that determines the length of your journey Dear One.

The length of your journey is determined by the distance that you must travel from where you are, to feeling joy.

And how long that takes, is entirely up to you.




On: Choice

By |2012-11-09T22:00:15-05:00November 9th, 2012|English|

Today we want to remind  you Dear One to enjoy your choices, each and every one of them.

Enjoy choice after choice after choice.

And if you make a choice that you don’t enjoy…. choose again.


On: Making room

By |2012-11-08T21:51:45-05:00November 8th, 2012|English|

It can be difficult to choose/to pick up that which you want Dear One, if your hands are already full of that which you do not want.

Make sense?

Know what you have to do next?

On: Doubt

By |2012-11-07T23:36:06-05:00November 7th, 2012|English|

We don’t doubt your abilities Dear One, to do or be or have anything that you want.  And we never will, not even for one second.

Imagine if you can, how different your life, your experiences, your choices would be if you didn’t doubt you either.

Doubting serves only as a delay tactic for decision-making Dear One.

How long do you wish to delay this decision: an hour, a day, a lifetime?

It is totally and completely up to you.

Continue to doubt for as long as you need to.

And when you are ready to take the next step, you will decide.

On: Authenticity

By |2012-11-05T23:30:55-05:00November 5th, 2012|English|

Speak up Dear One.  Speak up clearly and speak up often.  Speak your truth every chance that you get, in words and in deeds.  Be true to your heart, to who you are, to your feelings, your beliefs, and your desires, every second of every minute of every day if you can.

The effects of authenticity are cumulative.

The more you practice it the more you will see it reflected back to you in the world around you.




On: Worthy pursuits

By |2012-11-04T21:48:44-05:00November 4th, 2012|English|

What projects, pastimes, endeavors, people, relationships, ideas, creations or causes are worthy of pursuit Dear One?

Our answer to you is that any effort that you put towards something of your choosing is worthy of you pursuing it.


Because you have made the choice to do so.

It is not the event or the action or the idea itself that makes something worthy Dear One, it is you deeming it so that does.

On: Second guessing

By |2012-11-04T00:12:30-04:00November 4th, 2012|English|


  • Doubt breeds doubt
  • Confidence breeds confidence

If you stopped second guessing yourself Dear One, for every single thing you do, and every single choice you make, and every single feeling you have, you just might find yourself having much less reason to do so.



On: Managing your time

By |2012-11-02T23:12:21-04:00November 2nd, 2012|English|

Contrary to popular belief Dear One, managing your daily schedule is not just another task for you to contend with or another opportunity for you to exercise your highly superior or greatly lacking time management and organizational skills.  It is also not just the practice of finding ways to fit in or juggle every single opportunity, obligation, need, want, or desire that crosses your path.

What it is actually is an opportunity for you to engage in a very sacred and divine act.  One of the most sacred available to you actually – the act of managing your life, of choosing, of selecting, of deciding how you want to spend your time, who you want to spend it with, and what it is you want to do with this very precious gift that has been granted to you, to use as you wish, each and every day in this physical reality.

You can choose to see the management of your time as a daily task or obligation or you can choose to see it as a sacred act.

Your choice will tell you much about your view and approach to life Dear One, so pay close attention to your answer.


On: Creating Change

By |2012-11-01T22:28:08-04:00November 1st, 2012|English|

  • Pray for it
  • Visualize it
  • Imagine it
  • Feel it
  • Look for it
  • Enthusiastically anticipate its arrival

All of these are very sound and powerful steps for you to take when you are working on manifesting change in your life Dear One.

But it is important for you to know that these steps are conditional.

In order for any of these to work with any level of effectiveness, you must first do one very important thing: Make the decision with absolute certainty that you are ready and willing to change – your thoughts, your actions, your behaviors, your relationships, your boundaries, your belief in what’s possible, your belief in yourself and your belief in what you are capable of.

You can’t stay rooted exactly where you are, doing exactly what you have done, thinking exactly what you have thought, feeling exactly what you have felt,  and expect to manifest change in your life, regardless of how badly you want it.

Transformation can only occur when you allow it to occur Dear One.



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