On: Mediocrity

By |2012-10-13T00:54:49-04:00October 13th, 2012|English|

You are meant to love your life Dear One, not just tolerate it.  It is not an experience that is meant to simply be endured.

  • There are an infinite number of options available to you.
  • There are an infinite number of experiences for you to choose from.

So why not choose only those that you truly want, that excite you, inspire you, motivate you, embrace you, comfort you and bring you great joy and stop choosing those that bring you anything less?

You are the only one that choose mediocrity for yourself Dear One.

You are the only one that can choose to settle for less than you truly want.

And you are only one that can choose greatness.

On: Holding On

By |2012-10-12T00:15:12-04:00October 12th, 2012|English|

We watch you struggle day after day in your effort to hold-on Dear One – hold-on to your job, hold-on to your relationships, hold-on to your health, hold-on to your security, hold-on to your control, hold-on to that which you know, understand and trust.

And we ask ourselves why.

Why do you try so hard to hold-on Dear One when you can let go and float, fly, sail along your path instead?

On: Making a contribution

By |2012-10-09T22:11:57-04:00October 9th, 2012|English|

  • There is more peace in the world when you are peaceful.
  • There is more chaos in the world when you are chaotic.
  • There is more hatred in the world when you hate.
  • There is more generosity in world when you are generous.
  • There is more compassion in the world when you are compassionate.
  • There is more tolerance in the world when you are tolerant.

What do you want your contribution to be today Dear One?

On: Mastery

By |2012-10-08T20:55:34-04:00October 8th, 2012|English|

The only difference between you and the great masters Dear One is that they are aware of their divinity and are practiced at living their truth – and you are not.

Nothing more.

On: An important question

By |2012-10-07T22:09:44-04:00October 7th, 2012|English|

  • He loves you – He loves you not
  • She loves you – She loves you not

Whatever the answer is Dear One, matters not.

What does matter though, what does have a significant and critical impact on the quality your life, your experiences, your physical body, and on the creation of your world, is how you feel about you.

Do you love you Dear One?

Now there is a question with an answer that matters.


On: How to choose

By |2012-10-06T22:17:08-04:00October 6th, 2012|English|

The empowered choice will always be the one that moves you towards that which you are wanting Dear One – not the choice that simply moves you away from that which you do not want.

When choosing, let your object of desire be your motivator, your inspiration – not that which you are looking to get away from or avoid.

The stronger choice, the more powerful choice, the more impactful choice will always the one that intentionally moves you towards something instead of away from something.

Does that help?

On: Forgiveness

By |2012-10-05T22:26:19-04:00October 5th, 2012|English|

  • We forgive you for not being perfect.
  • We forgive you for making mistakes.
  • We forgive you for being hard on yourself.
  • We forgive you for having difficulty with change.
  • We forgive you for being afraid, critical, judgmental, and harsh with yourself and those around you.
  • We forgive you for not acting from a place of clarity and certainty even when you are clear and certain.
  • We forgive you for not allowing yourself to shift easily into the place of well-being you are being guided towards.

We forgive you Dear One for all of these things and more – done yesterday, today and even those that you will do tomorrow.  We forgive you, totally and completely.

Now it’s your turn.


On: Finding answers

By |2012-10-04T22:03:54-04:00October 4th, 2012|English|

The answers that you seek already exist within you Dear One.

Allow yourself to make that epic journey from your head to your heart and you will find them there waiting for you.

On: Reflection

By |2012-10-03T21:45:31-04:00October 3rd, 2012|English|

What would your day look like Dear One if you embraced yourself with the same level of kindness, compassion, patience, respect, support, nurturing and level of interest, that you embraced those around you with?

We think you should try it and see and take notice of what you discover.


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