On: Different vs. the same

By |2023-06-06T22:04:14-04:00January 31st, 2013|English|

Keep choosing what you know, what’s familiar, what’s safe, what’s predictable, and you will continue to get more of what you’ve already got Dear One.

If more of the same is what you want, keep right on doing what you are doing, thinking what you are thinking, feeling what you are feeling.  Keep your mindset, your beliefs, your intentions, exactly as they are.

However if what you want is something different, something more, something new, something adventurous, something unexpected, you are going to have to trust Dear One – trust us, trust yourself, trust the universe, trust in something or someone enough to allow yourself to choose differently this time.

What’s it going to be today Dear One; different or the same?

On: Decisions, decisions, decisions

By |2013-01-31T01:05:40-05:00January 31st, 2013|English|

Why would you choose to throw away an opportunity to be happy Dear One?

Why would you not take advantage of joyful experiences when they are within your grasp?

You know that is exactly what you are doing when you choose those things that you feel obligated to do, that you feel you ought to do, that you think others want you to be doing, over those things, people, places and activities that you want to do, that you love to do, that bring you the most pleasure, contentment and joy.

Our advise to you today Dear One: Choose happiness.

Whenever there is a choice to be made, whenever you are in a position where you have to decide between multiple options, which is always – choose happiness.

Always choose that which makes you feel alive, that which excites you, that which invigorates you, that which inspires you, that which holds the most possibility, promise and potential for you, over that which does not.


Decision made.

On: Pain

By |2013-01-30T00:23:43-05:00January 30th, 2013|English|

Pain is a tool Dear One – an indicator that something is amiss – that something is in need of your attention – in need of your consciousness.

When you are hurting –be gentle with yourself for a while – be careful with yourself for a while – rest for a while, and you will heal Dear One.

Don’t ignore your pain – address it.  That does not mean focusing all of your energy upon it.  You need only to be mindful to do so – mindful of what it is you are wanting to keep/hold on to, and what it is that you are wanting to release.

And once you decide, choose to let it go Dear One.  There is no need to complicate it, contemplate it, or set a lofty intention before you do.  Simply release – let go of your hold on that which is causing you pain and the pain will stop.

On: I love you

By |2023-06-06T22:04:14-04:00January 23rd, 2013|English, Uncategorized|

It is with my heart filled with love and pride that I introduce you all today to someone very special to me, my beautiful Niece Rebecca.

She loves like no one else I’ve ever known.  From the time she was small she had a gift for saying “I love you” with her whole heart, with her whole spirit, with her whole self.  Every time she spoke those words to me, which I am so grateful was often, I never had any doubt in my mind that she meant them.  When she said I love you, I knew I was someone special, because she believed I was.

This beautiful young woman was taken away from us this week by a man with a gun. And over the next few days all of us that had the great pleasure of knowing her, and loving her, and receiving the gift of love from her in return, will gather together to say goodbye to her physical presence in our lives.

There will be no anger in my heart, there will be no confusion, there will be no revenge, there will be no questioning present in me when I embrace her mother, her sisters, her grandmother, and her friends.  There will only be love, and pride and joy in my heart as I sit with them, and share with them, and remember with them all of the wonderful experiences we have all had the pleasure of sharing with Rebecca over the years – how she made us all feel worthy of her love by loving us so generously, as only she could.

In honor of my Dear Sweet Niece, I ask you to please do me this favor; tell someone today that you love them, with your whole heart wide open, without reservation, without hesitation, without limits, without boundaries, with a smile on your face and in your heart.  Tell them in such a way so that they know that you meant it, so they have no doubt in their minds that they are someone special, someone deserving, someone worthy of being loved.

Rebecca did that for me..  The love that she had for me and expressed to me so generously and so frequently, helped me to learn how to see it and feel it and honor it myself. And by her example, I am learning how to love as openly as she did.

It was love that gave me the courage to take chances in my life, to take risks, to believe in myself and in my gifts and to believe that my gifts were worthy of sharing.

My hope is that today, inspired by her example, you will do the same for someone else.

Today, all the love in my heart is hers.

Rebecca – I love you,

Aunt Michelle


I will try to post if I am able to over the next few days.  If I do not, know that I will resume daily postings when I return from my travels.

Be well Dear Ones.  Take care of each other.

On: Together

By |2013-01-22T21:39:01-05:00January 22nd, 2013|English|

Take my hand Dear one and together we will cross great distances.

Together we will rise to any challenge.

Together we will laugh.

Together we will heal.

Together we will smile and inspire others to do the same.

You are not alone Dear One.  You are never alone.

Let’s do this together.

You trust us, we’ll trust you, and together we will change your world.

On: The story you tell

By |2013-01-21T23:08:50-05:00January 21st, 2013|English|

You are the teller of the story of your life Dear One.  You are the one to decide what kind of story it will be.

You choose (where) YOU want the emphasis to be p-l-a-c-e-d in the telling of it.

  • Do you want to emphasize the parts that you like or the parts that you don’t?  All that you have, or all that you lack?
  • Do you want to tell a story about your strengths or your weaknesses?  About those things that you love, or those things that you hate?
  • Do you want to bring attention to all that you are proud of or those things that you regret most of all?  To the parts of yourself that are hurting or the parts that are healing?
  • Do you want to emphasize your triumphs, your successes, and your victories?  Those moments that you were brave, that you summoned courage that you didn’t think you had? Or those moments that paralyzed you, that paralyze you still, where you gave into fear, resignation or defeat?

What’s it going to be Dear One?

What story are you going to choose to tell yourself today?

On: Figuring it out

By |2013-01-20T23:31:12-05:00January 20th, 2013|English|

No one has it all figured out Dear one.

No one.

Not even us.

So let yourself off the hook today and stop trying so hard to be the one to do it.

On: Deciding to love

By |2013-01-20T00:32:49-05:00January 20th, 2013|English|

Whether or not to love someone is not a decision that can be made logically Dear one. So stop trying so hard to try to “figure it out”.  Because you won’t, you can’t.  Love is not a decision to be made.  Love is a feeling, a force, an experience that you allow, that you share, that you enjoy.

Either you love / allow love to flow through you and to you, or you don’t.

You allow love Dear One.  You don’t choose it.

Either they inspire the feeling, the allowing of it in you, or they do not.

The only decision to be made when it comes to love Dear One is whether or not you are brave enough, open enough, moved enough,  desiring a connection enough, to allow it, to experience it, to surrender yourself to it, when inspiration should strike.

On: Receiving guidance

By |2013-01-18T23:27:22-05:00January 18th, 2013|English|

Whatever your preference is for hearing guidance Dear One, whatever you belief, is the way that it will best be received by you.

You are the one who dictates the terms of your hearing us, not us.

We come in all forms, all shapes, all sizes, all tongues, all colors and venues.

You need not go searching for us Dear One.

We are always here, a part of all that you do – all that you have been – all that you are becoming.

You will hear us, see us, feel us, whenever you decide that you are ready to.

You will hear us, see us, feel us, whenever you are ready to start paying attention.

Look. Listen. Feel. Trust.

We are here Dear One.



On: Missing out

By |2013-01-17T22:22:58-05:00January 17th, 2013|English|

Don’t worry that you have missed out on something Dear One.

You have missed out on nothing – we promise you that.

You can’t. It’s not possible.

You are the only one who determines what experiences, what people, what relationships you are, and are not meant to have in you life.  Only you.

If it didn’t happen, if you didn’t choose it, then it was not meant to be.

Don’t regret, worry or fret over that which you did not choose Dear One.

Enjoy that which did choose.

And if you find that you have made a choice that you are not enjoying –  accept it, learn from it, and choose again.


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