Becoming aware of who you really are Dear One, understanding, trusting, believing, that you are a spirit having a physical experience, that you are a divine part of all that is, that you are an essential piece of the whole, that you connected to everything and everyone, that you have the power to create worlds within  you, changes nothing.

  • Who you are will remain the same
  • Your face will not look any different
  • Your gifts and talents will remain exactly as they are
  • Your world will still be round
  • You will still need to get up each day and tend to your physical and emotional needs

Come to accept who you really are Dear One and nothing will change, except for your perception of what is, your belief of what can be, your understanding of your connection to all things, your awareness of how you are creating your world, and your experience of everything in it.

Everything will remain exactly the same Dear One, and yet nothing will ever be the same again.

Are you ready?