You are the teller of the story of your life Dear One.  You are the one to decide what kind of story it will be.

You choose (where) YOU want the emphasis to be p-l-a-c-e-d in the telling of it.

  • Do you want to emphasize the parts that you like or the parts that you don’t?  All that you have, or all that you lack?
  • Do you want to tell a story about your strengths or your weaknesses?  About those things that you love, or those things that you hate?
  • Do you want to bring attention to all that you are proud of or those things that you regret most of all?  To the parts of yourself that are hurting or the parts that are healing?
  • Do you want to emphasize your triumphs, your successes, and your victories?  Those moments that you were brave, that you summoned courage that you didn’t think you had? Or those moments that paralyzed you, that paralyze you still, where you gave into fear, resignation or defeat?

What’s it going to be Dear One?

What story are you going to choose to tell yourself today?