On: Ending stagnation

By |2013-04-30T23:45:01-04:00April 30th, 2013|English|

You want to know how to put an end to stagnation Dear One?


  • Your spiritual body is connected to your emotional body
  • Your emotional body is connected to your physical body
  • Your physical body is connected to your spiritual body

Move one Dear One, and you will be creating room for movement to occur across them all.

  • If you are physically restricted, meditate
  • If you are emotionally closed off, walk, run, go climb a rock
  • If you are feeling spiritually disconnected, laugh

There is no reason at all what so ever for you to address physical stagnation physically, emotional stagnation emotionally, or spiritual stagnation spiritually.

Create movement, allow movement to occur at your point of least resistance Dear One, instead of trying to force it to occur at your point of greatest resistance, and you will have found the key that will open the door to releasing stagnation across all areas of your life.


On: Reducing struggle

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00April 27th, 2013|English|

Trust more, struggle less.

That’s all there is to it Dear One.

The more you allow yourself to trust, the more you practice trusting;  spirit, source, yourself, your intuition, your gut, your own personal guidance system, whatever that may be, the less you will experience struggle.

Don’t think too much about this Dear One.

Don’t struggle with the idea.  Don’t spend too much time trying to decide whether or not you believe this to be true.

Just trust that it is, and find out for yourself.



On: Why love

By |2013-04-27T00:38:20-04:00April 27th, 2013|English|

Why love each other Dear One, and hold on to each other, for a minute, an hour, a decade, a lifetime?

The answer is simple.

Because it feels good to do so.

On: The price of loyalty

By |2013-04-25T23:51:45-04:00April 25th, 2013|English|

If it did not bring you joy yesterday, or the day before that, or the day before that, what makes you think it is going to bring you joy today, or tomorrow?

Unhappiness is much too high a price to pay for loyalty Dear One.

On: Love hurts?

By |2013-04-24T23:51:59-04:00April 24th, 2013|English|

Love is not a source of pain Dear One.

Love doesn’t hurt. Love feels wonderful. Love is wonderful.

Love is not what causes you to hurt.  It is your worry that it won’t be returned, your fear of losing it, your unmet expectations, your perceived lack of it, that does it.

Love is not the source of your pain Dear One, your focused attention on worry, fear, lack and loss is.



On: What you think

By |2013-04-22T23:32:01-04:00April 22nd, 2013|English|

What you think of you is so much more important than what they think of you Dear One.

  • What you think of you impacts the choices that you make
  • What you think of you influences the company that you keep
  • What you think of you determines the kind of friend that you are
  • What you think of you inspires that work that you do
  • What you think of you governs the chances that you take
  • What you think of you shapes who you are and the direction of your life

What they think of you reflects what they think of you.



On: The facts

By |2013-04-21T20:55:27-04:00April 21st, 2013|English|

  • You are deeply loved Dear One
  • You are cherished
  • You are adored
  • You are capable
  • You are absolutely necessary

Carry these facts with you throughout your day, your week, your month, your life.

Make all of your decisions as if there was someone standing beside you, holding your hand, encouraging you, supporting you, loving you, cheering you on every step of the way.

Because there is.


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