If letting go feels too difficult for you Dear One – if you feel as if you don’t know how to do it –  if you feel as if you are not strong enough or brave enough, or certain enough to do it, – if you are afraid of what will happen to you or  those around you if you do it – if just the thought of it is a source of anxiety, stress or distress for you, we’ve got a very simple solution to offer.

Don’t. Don’t do it.  Don’t let go.

Instead, focus your energy, your attention, your awareness on something else, on something that you want, on something that brings you joy, on something that makes you feel good, on an object of desire, on something that inspires, motivates and excites you, on something that energizes you, on something that you want more of in your life, not less of.

That’s it.  That’s all.  That’s the solution.

Your attention to something binds it to you Dear One, attracts it towards you, makes it a part of your reality.

So can you guess what your lack of attention to something will do?