You find what you are looking for Dear One.
- Are you finding evidence of abundance in your life or are you finding evidence of a lack of abundance?
- Are you finding healing or are you finding evidence of a lack of healing?
- Are you finding love or are you finding evidence of a lack of love?
- Are you finding opportunity or are you finding evidence of a lack of opportunity?
If you are not finding what you are wanting Dear One, try paying closer attention to what it is that you are really looking for.
I’ve been away on vacation so I haven’t been “finding” very much, other than time with myself which isn’t so very bad at all! As for this — I’m finding some of both and that’s a good thing because I’m questioning and re-visiting and seeing many things in my life in a new light — shedding that light is allowing me to keep and let go and sort through what is necessary and what no longer serves any purpose at all. Happy weekend Michelle! xo