When you see they are hurting, when you see they are struggling, when you see they are lost, confused or in pain and want to help, but don’t know how — Love them Dear One.

There is no more useful thing that you can do.

We know that sometimes love does not seem like enough, but trust us, it is.

Love heals. Love inspires. Love transforms.  Love can do a great many things.

  • Don’t pity them
  • Don’t fear for them
  • Don’t be sad for them
  • Don’t join them in their grief

See them as well.  See them as whole.  See them as prosperous.  See them as confident.  See them healed.  See them as the person that they want to be.  Hold an image of them in your mind and in your heart of them that they are not yet able to hold for themselves.

You can’t give your attention to their pain, to their struggle, to their problem and help to be a part of the solution Dear One.

If you really want to help, if you really want to make a difference, just keep loving them.

It truly is the best and most useful thing that you can do, for them and for you.