On: While you are waiting

By |2013-11-19T23:57:03-05:00November 19th, 2013|English|

A quick question for you Dear One.

Are you are going to wait and see what happens, or are you going to do something about it?

Because you do have a choice

We just wanted to remind you of that.

On: Saying Thank You

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00November 19th, 2013|English|

  • Thank you for being a good friend
  • Thank you for loving them as only you can
  • Thank you for forgiving, letting go and allowing yourself to heal
  • Thank you for taking a risk, being brave, speaking up
  • Thank you for telling the truth, revealing yourself, sharing your story
  • Thank you for doing something that you have never done before
  • Thank you for going somewhere that you have never gone before
  • Thank you for using your life to create
  • Thank you for every moment that you choose to live with an open heart and an open mind

We are all better off because of it Dear One.

And we wanted you to know it.

So, thank you.

On: Choosing mediocrity

By |2013-11-18T00:59:46-05:00November 18th, 2013|English|

You are the only one that can choose mediocrity for yourself Dear One.

You are the only one that can choose to settle for less than you want, less than you deserve.

If you want better, you’ve got to choose better.

On: A few questions

By |2013-11-16T00:58:33-05:00November 16th, 2013|English|

  • Do you like blueberries, baseball cards and backgammon?
  • Do you like puppies, pinochle and peanut butter?
  • Does your life have value, worth and importance?
  • Are you smart enough, strong enough, clever enough, and brave enough?
  • Are you special?  Are you worthy? Do you matter?

What do all of these question have in common Dear One?

Your answer to them is the only answer that matters.





On: The Key

By |2013-11-14T22:21:40-05:00November 14th, 2013|English|

We can feel your impatience Dear One, your restlessness, your desire to move on from where you are now, to someplace new, to where you want to be.

We can see you searching, looking, trying, struggling, experimenting, stumbling around looking for the key to door that you think will get you there.

Well, we’ve got some bad news for you.  No matter where you look, no matter how hard you try, no matter much you visualize it, no matter how much you want it, you are never going to find that key Dear One.  Ever.


Because it doesn’t exist.

The door is already open.

All you need to do is walk through it.

On: Hate

By |2013-11-14T00:01:58-05:00November 14th, 2013|English|

Hate is a powerful emotion Dear One, one that is often felt very deeply.  And if you are feeling it, we are sure that you have your reasons.

Hate can be a difficult thing to let go of, even if you want to, especially when you feel that you have justifiably earned the right to feel it.

We will not ask you to stop hating Dear One. We would never ask you to do something so difficult.  We would never ask you to do something that you do not want to do.

But what we will ask of you is that you stop giving hate your attention.

What we are asking of you is that you not spend even one more minute of your  time, your thoughts, your energy,  your life, focused on that which you hate, and instead choose to focus on that which you enjoy, on that which you love, on loving each other instead.

You see Dear One, hate only serves to bring more hate into the world, nothing more.  It doesn’t fix anything, heal anything, even any score, or make things right, and it never will.

But love on the other hand has the power to transform, to heal, anything, even hate.



On: A promise

By |2013-11-12T23:54:18-05:00November 12th, 2013|English|

We promise you Dear One, that everything will be ok, that you will never be without us, that there is no limit to what is possible for you, that inspiration is divine guidance and that following it will never lead you astray, that you will always be beautiful in the eyes of spirit, that you will be loved for all of eternity, that there is always an answer, that you are never trapped, that you can heal from anything, that nothing lasts forever, that if you can imagine it you can create it, and that we always keep our promises.

On: Being lazy

By |2013-11-11T00:20:15-05:00November 11th, 2013|English|

  • Don’t say you can’t before you try
  • Don’t say they won’t before you ask
  • Don’t say it’s impossible just because no one else has ever done it before
  • Don’t give up before you give it all you’ve got

These are all just different ways for you to exercise lazy Dear One.

And we don’t think that being lazy is a good enough reason for you to not have everything that you want.

Do you?

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