On: Letting them off the hook

By |2013-06-21T23:06:09-04:00June 21st, 2013|English|

Release your expectations of them Dear One.

Let them follow their bliss, and you follow yours.

Your happiness is not at all dependent on what they choose to do next.

It is solely and completely dependent on what you choose to do next.

And you can choose to say, think, or do anything that you would like.

What more could you possibly want from the moment Dear One, from them, from yourself or from the universe, then the freedom to choose?

And that you’ve got.

So, are you ready to let them off the hook and start choosing for yourself?

On: Do you matter?

By |2013-06-20T23:09:51-04:00June 20th, 2013|English|

Your life matters Dear One, your life has meaning, your actions have meaning, your thoughts, values, opinions, beliefs, all have meaning, not when someone else sees value in them, believes in them, approves of them, supports them, or agrees with them – but when you do.

So you can stop looking to the opinions, beliefs, actions, and reactions of those around for the answer to this question.  You can stop looking into their eyes.

You won’t find it there.  They don’t have it.  And neither do we.

You’re going to have to rely on yourself to answer this one Dear One.

So, what do you think?  Do you matter?

On: Creating order

By |2013-06-17T23:54:50-04:00June 17th, 2013|English|

The moment that you decide that you are ready to embrace order in your life Dear One, your life will begin to become orderly.


Because once you decide, once you become certain of what it is that you want, your attitude, your choices, your actions, and  your behaviors will all begin to support that decision.

Once you decide Dear One, you will seek out, choose, create and attract order over chaos.

The hard part is not creating what you want.

The hard part is deciding what it is that you really want to create.

On: Don’t let go

By |2013-06-16T23:44:23-04:00June 16th, 2013|English|

If letting go feels too difficult for you Dear One – if you feel as if you don’t know how to do it –  if you feel as if you are not strong enough or brave enough, or certain enough to do it, – if you are afraid of what will happen to you or  those around you if you do it – if just the thought of it is a source of anxiety, stress or distress for you, we’ve got a very simple solution to offer.

Don’t. Don’t do it.  Don’t let go.

Instead, focus your energy, your attention, your awareness on something else, on something that you want, on something that brings you joy, on something that makes you feel good, on an object of desire, on something that inspires, motivates and excites you, on something that energizes you, on something that you want more of in your life, not less of.

That’s it.  That’s all.  That’s the solution.

Your attention to something binds it to you Dear One, attracts it towards you, makes it a part of your reality.

So can you guess what your lack of attention to something will do?

On: A little constructive criticism

By |2013-06-15T23:34:56-04:00June 15th, 2013|English|

  • You are powerful creator Dear One.
  • You are capable of doing anything that you set your mind to
  • You have the ability to heal others, as well as yourself, with your choices, words and actions
  • You have a great capacity for compassion and forgiveness
  • Your life matters
  • Your contributions make an impact
  • You are worthy of great love

Our criticism of you Dear One, is that you don’t agree with us, you don’t yet believe all of these things to be true about yourself.

And we can assure you, that they most definitely are.

Do you think you could work on that?


On: Would it make a difference?

By |2013-06-15T00:55:56-04:00June 15th, 2013|English|

What if, in this moment Dear One, you decided to love yourself unconditionally, to nurturer yourself, to honor yourself, to forgive, care for and prioritize yourself, to accept yourself exactly where and as you are, to be a peace?

What if, in this moment, you decided to remember that you are worthy, that you are divine, that the reason that you are here is to have a joyful experience of being alive?

If you did this Dear One, would the next choice that you make, the next answer that you give, the next action that you take, the next words that you speak, the next thought that you think, be any different?

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