On: What next?

By |2013-03-06T00:41:35-05:00March 6th, 2013|English|

When in doubt Dear One, when you don’t know what to think, feel or do next, gratitude is always a really good place to start.

Say thank you for something, anything, that you can identify in your current reality that is going right, that feels OK, that you can feel grateful for, or appreciation of.  Let your attention fall fully on that which pleases you, on that which holds promise for you, on that which brings you joy, comfort or relief – no matter how big or small,  and allow all that does not, to slip out of your focus for as long as you are able.

And when things that you are not grateful for once again capture your attention, be grateful for your awareness of them and the contrast that they bring and then once again let them go as you allow your attention to return being grateful.

Repeat, as often as necessary.

Before you are able to successfully take any positive action, (which is necessary if you want to generate positive results) you must first be standing in a place where you are able to see things from a positive perspective, where your point of attraction is a positive one.

And we can think of no better or quicker way to get you there, than with gratitude.

Now back to the question at hand Dear One; What next?

Any action taken that is inspired by gratitude will move you in a direction that you want to be headed.


On: Reclaiming your life

By |2013-03-04T20:05:21-05:00March 4th, 2013|English|

To reclaim control of your life Dear One, simply reclaim it, one decision at a time.

Sometimes the answer really can be that simple.

Take note — we’ve said simple, not easy.

On: Preferences

By |2013-03-04T01:01:44-05:00March 4th, 2013|English|

Which would you prefer Dear One:

  • To live in an abundant universe filled with unlimited resources or one filled with shortages and lack?
  • To have an unlimited number of choices available to you in every situation or only one?
  • To live in a reality that is fluid, forgiving, changeable and influenced by all those who live in it, or one that is linear, solid and unforgiving, that you are powerless to impact?
  • To have limitless power available to you to create, do, be or have anything that you heart desires, or to be a victim of circumstance, capable only of reacting to that which life throws at you?

Choose your answers wisely, because once you do – you must then live with them.

You get to live in the reality that you create for yourself Dear One.

You have to live in the reality that you create for yourself Dear One.

On: Paying attention

By |2013-03-03T00:10:01-05:00March 3rd, 2013|English|

You have two options available to you when dealing with any situation or circumstance Dear One:

  • Create more of it by focusing your attention on it
  • Create less of it by focusing your attention elsewhere

Any decision that you make on the subject at hand is going to serve to accomplish one of these two outcomes.

So when it comes time to make a choice Dear One, pay attention to where your attention is focused. Ask yourself; is this decision going to serve to create more of what it is I am looking for or less of it.

Sometimes the answer will become clear to you before action is even taken – and sometimes it will not. Sometimes you might have to take the action and see for yourself what direction you begin to move in. If you like it, you can continue on, if you don’t, you can simply make a different choice.

Action is not always required to find your answer Dear One, but choice always is.

On: The rules

By |2023-06-06T22:04:13-04:00March 1st, 2013|English|

  • You are not allowed to be shallow.
  • You are not allowed to be cruel.
  • You are not allowed to be offended.
  • You are not allowed to hate.
  • You are not allowed to run away.
  • You are not allowed to hold a grudge.
  • You are not allowed to tell a lie.

Who made up these rules anyway Dear One?

Was it you?  It was certainly not us.

Not one of these things is true you know.

You are allowed to indulge in each and every one them if you should choose to do so.

But recognize that is a choice Dear One.  And whenever you make a choice, we want you to do so consciously, intentionally, ready too take full responsibility for the impact of that choice on yourself, on others and on the world around you.

What you put out there is what comes back to you Dear One. That is a universal law.

Do, be, or say anything that you would like.  You have our permission.  You are allowed.  But do so with full awareness of the fact that with every choice that you make you are establishing a point of attraction for yourself, you are extending an invitation out to the universe to send you back an energetic match.

So, yes, you are allowed to do anything that you would like Dear One.  But now that you understand the rules, do you still want to?


On: When push comes to shove

By |2013-02-26T22:14:32-05:00February 26th, 2013|English|

When push comes to shove Dear One – Relax – Breathe – Let go.

Do not push. – – Do not shove.

Stand aside.

Let those pushing, push along without you. – – Let those shoving, shove right by.

Believe us when we tell you, you don’t want to go where they are going.

You cannot force your way to happiness.  You cannot push your way to contentment.  You cannot shove your way to comfort or respect or love or anything else worth having Dear One.  You cannot force yourself into a state of joy by trying to force someone else out of one, and neither can they.

When those around you start pushing and shoving Dear One, do yourself a favor and let them do it without you.  Let them pass.  The sooner that they do, the faster that they are out of your way, the faster you can be back on your way towards something truly valuable.

On: Creativity

By |2013-02-26T00:23:39-05:00February 26th, 2013|English|

Creativity is the joining together of two or more things Dear One – thoughts, feelings, words, notes, pieces of music or fabric, lines, colors, ingredients, anything. Even the joining together of you and we, connecting with one another – on any level, is an act of creation.

Creativity is not an act reserved only for those who call themselves artists.

Once you understand that creativity is the bringing together of any two things, any two elements, you can see/you can begin to understand that the whole of life is an act of creation.  You are consistently trying/bringing things together – in your thoughts, in your heart, in your physical reality.  It makes no difference how or what you bring together, only that you bring elements together.  That is how you create.

If you are alive, you are capable of being creative.  The nature of creativity is allowing Dear One, and the process of allowing is one of opening yourself up.   You are most open when you are creating.

We love to watch you bring different things, different elements, different ideas together.  It brings us great joy to see you adding to/expanding your word, to watch you discover all that is possible.

Our greatest wish for you today Dear One, is that the process brings you as much joy as it does us.

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