On: The starting line

By |2013-02-24T23:37:12-05:00February 24th, 2013|English|

Never mind how you felt Dear One.  How do you feel?  How do you want to feel?

You know it’s perfectly alright for you to let go of the disappointment, hurt, fear, guilt, uncertainty, or insecurity that you experienced yesterday.   You truly do not have to start your day off by remembering to be sad, afraid, guilty, disappointed, uncertain, or unsure of yourself.

It just isn’t necessary.

There is no honor or benefit to be gained by remaining loyal to bad feelings Dear One – regardless of their cause.

There is no rule that states that you need to start each day from where you left off the day before.  Your jumping off point does not need to be yesterdays stress, disappointment, hurt, regret, or pain.  It can be anything that you want it to be.

You get to decide what you take with you to the starting line each day.

You can choose to start your day off carrying all of the things that did not feel good to you yesterday OR you can make a different choice and try hope, confidence, strength, optimism, excitement, anticipation, or joy instead.

What’s it going to be today Dear One?  What are you going to choose to take with you as you step up to the line?


On: Something miraculous

By |2013-02-24T01:02:08-05:00February 24th, 2013|English|

The energy that creates worlds is flowing to you, flowing through you, right now Dear One.  Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are swimming in it, interacting with it, creating with it, every minute of every day.

And  yet you act as if all is ordinary, unremarkable, unchanging – you behave as if something miraculous is not happening to you, right now.

Well, it is!

There is no need for you to wait for someone else to point it out, to clearly define it, to declare it as such, before you believe it to be true.

Who are they to know it, to recognize it, to declare it as fact any more than you Dear One?

On: What to do

By |2013-02-23T00:21:07-05:00February 23rd, 2013|English|

  • Unfortunately, there is no “right” thing to do Dear One.
  • Fortunately, there is no “wrong” thing to do either.

There is however, the brave thing to do, the empowering thing to do, the compassionate thing to do, the honest thing to do, the convenient thing to do, the hurtful thing to do, the vengeful thing to do, the lazy thing to do, the fearful thing to do, the adventurous thing to do, the loving thing to do, and so on.

Get the picture?

There is no “right” answer to your question Dear One.

There is only the answer that you choose – the answer that feels right to you.  And you’re the only one that will ever know what that is.

So don’t ask us what we think you should do Dear One – ask your heart instead.

The answer you are looking for is there – we promise you that.

Once you find it, then you can ask us what we think you should do.

And our answer will be a simple one – Act on it.

On: Options

By |2013-02-21T22:54:36-05:00February 21st, 2013|English|

There is always an option available to you for happiness Dear One.  Always.

Today, we whole-heartedly encourage you to choose it.

On: The Heart and The Ego – Part II

By |2013-02-20T22:39:07-05:00February 20th, 2013|English|

You do not need to choose to acquiesce to every single whim of the ego Dear One – the ego that is working so diligently to capture and keep all of your attention away from your heart.

It knows Dear One, that the wisdom of the heart will always overshadow it, will always eclipse it, will always raise your awareness to such a state that the wining, yielding, forceful, frightened, mocking voice of the ego will no longer be heard.

When you listen to your heart Dear One, the voice of the ego will disappear into the background. It will become nothing more than noise to you – a reminder of just how far you have traveled from where you once were.  It will become nothing more than a point of reference.  And before you know it, it will disappear completely.  And it knows this.  That is why the ego will do all that it can to capture and hold on to your attention.

It is not doing so to harm you Dear One, but only to try and ensure its own survival.  But fear not – no harm will come to it, no pain will come to you, if you allow the voice of the ego to dissolve.  It will simply vanish and melt back into the energy of all that is.

It will be fine Dear one, but more importantly, know that you will be fine without it.

And all of this will happen Dear One, all of this will begin to happen, as soon as you remember your heart – as soon as you remember to connect to your heart and allow yourself to feel all that it has to offer.

On: The Heart and The Ego – Part I

By |2013-02-20T00:21:08-05:00February 20th, 2013|English|

Allow yourself to relinquish control Dear One.

Allow yourself to bond with your own heart.

Allow yourself to feel its beating.  Allow yourself to feel its wanting.  Allow yourself to feel its passion.   Allow yourself to notice its subtleties – when it is happy, or glad, or giddy, when it is questioning, when it is certain, when it is emotionless, when it is filled with joy, filled with regret, filled with sadness, filled with love.

Allow yourself to feel it all Dear One.  Allow yourself to want more for yourself than just the absence of discomfort, the absence of pain, the absence of desire.

Please do not make it your hearts ambition to feel as little as possible Dear One.

For that would be as great a loss as choosing to close your eyes forever after witnessing only one sunrise.

On: Being of service

By |2013-02-18T22:36:26-05:00February 18th, 2013|English|

Trust us Dear One, they won’t stop loving you if you say no from time to time.

We know it can be tough to do when you want to help, when you so very much want what’s best for them.

When someone is hurting or scared or confused, their attention is focused on their discomfort, on their pain, on themselves, on telling you what it is that they need, which is completely understandable.

But here’s what they are not telling you:  They want what’s best for you, too.

Please remember balance in all things Dear One: that includes being of service to others as well as being of service to yourself.

On: The learning curve

By |2013-02-16T19:07:52-05:00February 16th, 2013|English|

When you are learning to do something new Dear One, either by choice or by necessity, you always have options available to you for how you are going to proceed:

  • You can choose to resist and proceed with frustration, resentment, impatience and regret for the task at hand
  • You can choose to allow and proceed with excitement, optimism, hope, and an open mind as you approach the challenge before you.

You can choose to focus on the work, effort and energy that will be required of you or you can choose to focus on the many new doors that will open for you a result.

In which direction are you going to lean Dear One?

Which option do you think is going to best serve you and bring you the greatest amount of joy as you learn?

On: Everything

By |2023-06-06T22:04:14-04:00February 16th, 2013|English|

You can do it all Dear One.  You can experience it all.  You can do every single thing that is within you to do.

Just not all at once.

Time exists for that very reason – to allow you to enjoy one physical reality at a time.

You will know the view/the experience of all at once soon enough Dear One.

But for now, enjoy yourself, one completely unpredictable, gloriously  unlimited, wonderfully unique, moment at a time.

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