On: Hate

By |2013-11-14T00:01:58-05:00November 14th, 2013|English|

Hate is a powerful emotion Dear One, one that is often felt very deeply.  And if you are feeling it, we are sure that you have your reasons.

Hate can be a difficult thing to let go of, even if you want to, especially when you feel that you have justifiably earned the right to feel it.

We will not ask you to stop hating Dear One. We would never ask you to do something so difficult.  We would never ask you to do something that you do not want to do.

But what we will ask of you is that you stop giving hate your attention.

What we are asking of you is that you not spend even one more minute of your  time, your thoughts, your energy,  your life, focused on that which you hate, and instead choose to focus on that which you enjoy, on that which you love, on loving each other instead.

You see Dear One, hate only serves to bring more hate into the world, nothing more.  It doesn’t fix anything, heal anything, even any score, or make things right, and it never will.

But love on the other hand has the power to transform, to heal, anything, even hate.



On: A promise

By |2013-11-12T23:54:18-05:00November 12th, 2013|English|

We promise you Dear One, that everything will be ok, that you will never be without us, that there is no limit to what is possible for you, that inspiration is divine guidance and that following it will never lead you astray, that you will always be beautiful in the eyes of spirit, that you will be loved for all of eternity, that there is always an answer, that you are never trapped, that you can heal from anything, that nothing lasts forever, that if you can imagine it you can create it, and that we always keep our promises.

On: Being lazy

By |2013-11-11T00:20:15-05:00November 11th, 2013|English|

  • Don’t say you can’t before you try
  • Don’t say they won’t before you ask
  • Don’t say it’s impossible just because no one else has ever done it before
  • Don’t give up before you give it all you’ve got

These are all just different ways for you to exercise lazy Dear One.

And we don’t think that being lazy is a good enough reason for you to not have everything that you want.

Do you?

On: A simple solution

By |2013-11-09T23:43:11-05:00November 9th, 2013|English|

When facing a complicated, complex or convoluted situation Dear One, what if instead of  trying to address the most difficult, overwhelming or confusing part of the equation first, you started by addressing the simplest?

And what if, once you did that, once you handled the easiest part of what was in front of you, you then chose to address the simplest, most manageable piece of what was remaining?

And so on and so forth.

What do you think would happen if you approached your complicated situation in this way Dear One?

We can tell you what we think would happen.

We think that it wouldn’t take you very long to discover that your very complex, complicated and overwhelming situation, did in fact, have a very simple solution after all.

But don’t take our word for it.

On: The importance of practicing joy

By |2013-11-09T00:20:09-05:00November 9th, 2013|English|

Choose joy today Dear One, every chance that you get.

  • Choose to think joyful thoughts
  • Choose to speak joyful words
  • Choose to want, do, and plan for things that will bring you joy

Be vigilant about it.

Practice it, a lot.

Practice it until you get really, really good at it.

Practice it as if your future happiness depended on it.

Because it does.

On: Practicing self-love

By |2013-11-08T00:18:17-05:00November 8th, 2013|English|

How do you treat someone when you love them Dear One?

  • Do you call them stupid when they make a mistake?
  • Do you call them ugly when they gain a few pounds?
  • Do you yell at them for coming in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or last even?
  • Do you tell them that they are failure when things don’t work out as planned?
  • Do you judge them for not making more money?
  • Do you think less of them when they are not well?

Do you see where we are going here?

On: Grudges

By |2013-11-06T22:54:46-05:00November 6th, 2013|English|

Why hold on to a grudge Dear One, when there are so many other more pleasant things out there that you can choose to hold on to instead?

On: In search of….

By |2013-11-05T22:48:26-05:00November 5th, 2013|English|

Sometime healing does not require a new herb, potion, tonics or pill Dear One.  Sometimes it does not require a new way of thinking, moving, eating, or behaving. Sometimes it does not require a new mantra, meditation, massage or treatment.  Sometimes it doesn’t even require compassion, understanding, insight or forgiveness.

Sometimes Dear One, the only thing that is required to heal, is rest.

So, before you go off in search of a new answer, a new technique, a new practice, a new method, a new plan for healing your body, for healing your life, why not give resting a try instead.

Make a commitment, to sleep, for 8 hours, (or as close to that as you can possibly can) every single night, for one week, and see how you feel.

Don’t make excuses Dear One, make it happen.

What have you got to lose?


On: Something you already know

By |2013-11-04T22:41:06-05:00November 4th, 2013|English|

If you relax Dear One, let go, allow, trust, breathe, smile, lighten up, things in your life will flow a whole lot more smoothly than they are right now.

We know that you know this already, but from where we are sitting, it looked as though you could use the reminder.

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