You can’t force change Dear One, upon yourself or anyone else.

You (they) will change only when you (they) are inspired to do so. When you (they) believe that doing so will be to your (their) greatest advantage, to your (their) greatest benefit.

That is why people can and do endure the pain, discomfort and effort that can sometimes accompany change.

Not because they like it, not because they enjoy it, not because it is easy for them, not because they believe that they should or have something to prove.

They do it Dear One, because they know that doing so is going to serve them.

Enduring pain and discomfort on an inspired path to change is an empowering and joyful experience. It builds strength, endurance, and confidence.

Enduring pain and discomfort in the name of change when it is forced upon you, by yourself or by someone else, without a solid belief or knowing that it is for your greatest good, is a depleting experience . It only serves to weaken you, frustrate you, discourage you, and contribute to greater imbalance in your life.

That Dear One, is why change can’t be forced.