People make mistakes Dear One (yourself included).  It happens.

Berating them for it, making them feel badly about it, attempting to scold or punish them when they do, is not going to serve anyone or anything in any positive way.

Bitching, complaining, ranting and raving, while it may feel good and appropriate in the moment, will not help them or you to turn things around, or improve the situation at all. But, focusing your attention on the desired outcome, on identifying a solution, on making things better, on where things can go from here, will.

We know that it can be frustrating when things don’t work out, when things don’t go according to plan. But the truth is that regardless of how much you wish it could be otherwise, the past can not be changed.  What’s done is done, and can never be undone.  And the longer that you continue to focus on that which is unwanted, on that which went “wrong”, the longer it will persist along with your negative feelings about it.

If what you want is to turn things around when a mistake is made, to improve upon what is Dear One, the best most effective thing that you can do for yourself and for them in order to make that happen is to choose an improved thought, an improved attitude, an improved perspective on the situation, on what is, and on what can and will be, as fast as you possible can.

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