On: Creating balance

By |2015-09-23T00:42:54-04:00September 23rd, 2015|English|

You want to create more balance in your life Dear One?

This is what you need to do:

  • be indulgent and disciplined
  • be strong and vulnerable
  • be brave and cautious
  • be selfish and generous
  • be flexible and committed
  • be playful and work hard

Contrary to what you may believe, balance is not actually achieved by standing still on the point in the middle.


On: How to move on

By |2015-09-22T00:23:48-04:00September 22nd, 2015|English|

Choosing to hold on Dear One, just may be the choice that is holding you back.

Something that is right for you, that is a vibration match to you, will move right along with you.

If you have to stop, stand still or move backwards repeatedly or for extended periods of time in order to keep it, if you feel like you are having to hold-on tighter and tighter to keep from losing it, you may want to consider the possibility that it is no longer right for you, and that it may be time for you to let it go and move on without it.

On:   Opening doors

By |2015-09-20T22:47:30-04:00September 20th, 2015|English|

There is no such thing as impossible Dear One.  There are only those things that you have not yet seen come to pass.

There is a huge difference between never and not yet.

Practice saying “not yet” instead of “never” and your whole perspective of the world, of what’s possible, will change.

Never closes doors Dear One.

Not yet blows them wide open.

On: How to protect yourself in love

By |2015-09-19T23:27:25-04:00September 19th, 2015|English|

Do you want to know the best way to protect yourself in love Dear One, to take care of your heart and keep it safe, to strengthen it, guard it, honor and respect it?

We’ll tell you.

Open it, trust it, and use it, as often as you possibly can.

That’s how.




On: What is the truth?

By |2015-09-17T00:06:28-04:00September 17th, 2015|English|

The truth Dear One, your truth is that place from where you allow your thoughts, words, actions and deeds to be dictated from.

  • Is your truth fear, uncertainty, insecurity, doubt or judgment?
  • Or, is your truth confidence, strength, love, compassion or humility?

The truth is Dear One, that your truth is what you make it.

On:  What are you going to do?

By |2015-09-14T23:07:53-04:00September 14th, 2015|English|

You did not come forth onto the cutting edge of reality Dear One, onto the cutting edge of thought, creation, of all that is to stand still, to stay put, to play it safe, to experience as little growth, movement and expansion as possible, did you?

It’s time.  You’ve got another choice to make.

You always do.

Just something to keep in mind while you are making up your mind about what you are going to do with it.



On: Two ways to get there

By |2015-09-12T01:03:00-04:00September 12th, 2015|English|

You can trust or you can try Dear One.

  • When you trust you are making a choice to allow the unlimited power of the universe to do some (or all) of the heavy lifting for you.
  • When you try you are making a choice to rely on yourself and the limited capacity of your physical reality to do what needs to be done.

Both will work. Both will serve you in getting you to where you want to go.

The biggest difference between the two Dear One, is the amount of energy that you will have to exert in the process.

On: The right time to quit

By |2015-09-11T00:30:00-04:00September 11th, 2015|English|

Do you want to know when the right time to quit is Dear One?

We’ll tell you. It’s right now.

  • Quit talking about everything that is not working
  • Quit focusing on that which does not serve you
  • Quit biting off more than you can chew
  • Quit feeling sorry for yourself
  • Quit behaving like a victim
  • Quit putting yourself last
  • Quit pretending like you don’t have a choice

Just quit it.

Make today the day.




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