On Being vulnerable

By |2015-12-10T00:44:22-05:00December 10th, 2015|English|

We can understand your desire to want to protect yourself Dear One, to want to keep yourself safe from harm, to want to do all that you can to avoid injuring yourself, both physically and emotionally, and to want to keep others from doing the same.  And you should know that we want that for you too.

You should also know that nothing makes you more vulnerable then cutting yourself off from your source, than shutting down your heart, ignoring your intuition and holding yourself back because you are afraid.

The more you trust Dear One, the more you open up, the more you allow yourself to love, connect, and move forward with an open heart, the safer you will be!

On: Working harder

By |2015-12-06T00:56:50-05:00December 6th, 2015|English|

Struggling, working harder, suffering through, will never serve you as well as getting happy will in reaching your goals Dear One.

One small action taken in joy will always be infinitely more powerful than 100 taken in anger, frustration, fear, resentment, sadness or uncertainty.

Get happy and then get to work – not the other way around.

We assure you that the time spent on yourself first will be well worth the effort.

On: Creating shrinkage  

By |2015-12-05T01:02:52-05:00December 5th, 2015|English|

As soon as you stop feeding it Dear One, with your thoughts, with your words, and with your actions, and with your beliefs, it will cease to grow.

Keep it up long enough, and it will disappear all together.


On: What do you expect?

By |2015-12-04T00:35:35-05:00December 4th, 2015|English|

Your expectations are a moving target  Dear One.

They can shift as frequently as your needs….. as your moods.

  • When you need more – you expect more.
  • When you need less – you tend to expect less and be much more forgiving.

Expectations change – often.  So be careful not to put too much emphasis or importance on having them met.

Eliminate them all together and you will be eliminating one of the greatest sources of disappointment from your life.

On: What you put in

By |2015-12-03T01:03:11-05:00December 3rd, 2015|English|

Create from an angry, stressed out, frustrated, put upon place Dear One, and no matter how hard you work, how hard you try, how good your intentions are, the very best that you are going to be able to do is create more of the same.

You can’t make a blueberry pie out of apples.

Get it?

On: What are your intentions?

By |2015-12-02T01:03:06-05:00December 2nd, 2015|English|


What are your intentions for the day Dear One?

What is it that you want to create, to experience, to put out into the world today, and what is it that you are hoping to get back in return?

It’s an important question for you to answer, consciously, intentionally and from the heart.  Because if you don’t, your ego, your habits, your patterns, your emotions, that unrelenting voice in your head that thinks it knows it all is going to answer for you.

And if that happens, what do you think the chances are that you are going to be happy with the response?


On: Choosing a travel companion

By |2015-12-01T00:36:58-05:00December 1st, 2015|English|

When choosing a travel companion Dear One, whether it someone who will walk with you for a moment, a mile or a lifetime, remember this – no one has the ability to propel you forward or hold you back but you.

You and you alone are responsible for the speed, distance and direction that you travel.

Others can influence you, encourage you, teach you, inspire you, build you up or knock your down, or attempt to manipulate you to move this way or that way – but in the end it is you who decides where you put one front down in front of the other.

Who you choose to travel with matters Dear One, just not as much as you may think.



On: Being on time

By |2015-11-29T23:11:45-05:00November 29th, 2015|English|

There is no divine schedule Dear One.

  • There is you and your journey.
  • You and your experiences.
  • You and your relationships.
  • You and your attitude, choices, behaviors, patterns, and beliefs.

You are not late.  You are not behind schedule.  You do not have to hurry to catch up.  And you most definitely did not miss your chance.

As long as you are moving forward Dear One, at a pace that is pleasing to you, you are right on track.

We just thought you should know.



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