Do you ever wonder Dear One, how it came to be exactly that you have such a low opinion of yourself when it comes to…… (you fill in the blank)?

  • Your appearance
  • Your intelligence
  • Your creative abilities
  • Your potential
  • Your contributions
  • The value of your opinions
  • Your accomplishments and achievements

We can tell you.

It is because at some point in time you decided to believe that your worth or value was determined by the look that you saw in someone else’s eyes, or the words you heard spoken from someone else’s lips.

Somewhere along the line, you came to believe that the truth of things was determined not by you, but by those around you.  And you decided to give more weight to their criticism, judgment, an opinions than to your own.

But good news! There is a quick remedy to that Dear One.

Stop looking in their eyes to determine your worth.  Stop listening to their words to hear your value.

Know that you are a divine spirit who’s appearance, intelligence, creative abilities, potential, contributions, opinions, accomplishments and achievements are beautiful, valuable and significant, regardless of what they think.

It is not a matter of opinion Dear One, it is a fact.

Now all you have to do, is believe it.