We want you to know Dear One, that the potential for joy exists for you in every moment. Yes, every single one. That does not however, mean that every moment of your life is meant to be joyful.
We would not like to see you deny yourself the experience of fully embracing all of the other emotions that are available to you as well; excitement, anticipation, exhilaration, concern, sadness, loss, fear, anger, confusion, and so on. They all deserve your full attention when they arise for you. Always honor yourself Dear One, by honoring your feelings. Grant yourself the freedom to fully experience them in the moment.
And once you have done so, once you have allowed yourself to have the experience of embracing your current emotional state, fully, completely and genuinely, and have learned the lesson that it was trying to teach you, have become aware of what it was trying to bring to your attention, know that joy will always be there for you, right behind the other, whenever you are ready to return to it.
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