On: Turning yourself inside out

By |2017-01-04T05:19:44-05:00January 4th, 2017|English|

If you want to create real, enduring, meaningful change in your life Dear One – you’ve got to work from the inside out.

Doing it any other way will only create frustration, anxiety, worry, and heartache, or generate temporary results at best, a lesson that we are sure that you have already learned through experience by now.

So, how do you do this?

Shift your mindset and prioritize the creation of internal beauty, balance, bliss, and love over the creation of all of the same in your external world, and you will be well on your way.


On: What’s the answer?

By |2017-01-03T23:37:38-05:00January 3rd, 2017|English|

Your life could easily be dominated by good feelings Dear One, by pleasure, joy, contentment, happiness, balance and love, if  you would only allow yourself to believe that you can have all of these things without first having to pay a high price for them.

Because the truth is there is no posture or practice,  mantra or diet, book, teacher, or regimen that you must first master in order to be joyful, in order to be happy, or peaceful, secure,  content,  compassionate, forgiving, or to live a more conscious life.

The only requirement is that you allow yourself to feel good, that you make feeling good a priority.

And the surest way to do that Dear One is to focus your attention on that which makes you happy, on that which you see as possible, on that which is going right, on that which you desire, on that which makes you smile, laugh, anticipate the best, on that which you are grateful for.

Yoga, meditation, exercise, a healthy diet, a spiritual practice are all ways that can help you to achieve balance in your mental,  physical and spiritual life Dear One.  And that balance will help you to feel good, to stay healthy, to feel strong and be more confident in yourself, in your body, in your ability to handle any situation, in your capacity for trust.

But they are just a means to an end. They are not necessary.

The answer that you are looking for Dear One is simple — if you want your life to be dominated by good feelings, make choices that make you feel good.

On: Making an impression

By |2023-06-06T22:04:07-04:00January 1st, 2017|English|

They are going see in you Dear One, what they want to see in you, what they are ready to see in you, what they are looking for, what they are ready for, and nothing more.

And there is not a whole lot that you can do about it.

Isn’t that wonderful!

Now that you know, you don’t have to worry so much about trying to make a good impression, about trying to please them, or impress them, or win them over, you can just be you, and instead put all of your energy into doing what you do best, into doing what brings you the most joy,  into creating, sharing, and enjoying your life precisely the way that you want to.

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