On: The heart and the ego – Part II

By |2018-03-05T14:46:00-05:00March 1st, 2018|English|

You do not need to choose to acquiesce to every single whim of the ego Dear One – the ego that is working so diligently to capture and keep all of your attention away from your heart.

It knows that the wisdom of the heart will always overshadow it, will always eclipse it, will always raise your awareness to such a state that the wining, yielding, forceful, frightened, mocking voice of the ego will no longer be heard.

When you listen to your heart, the voice of the ego will disappear into the background. It will become nothing more than noise to you – a reminder of just how far you have traveled from where you once were.  It will become nothing more than a point of reference.  And before you know it, it will disappear completely.  And it knows this.  That is why the ego will do all that it can to capture and hold on to your attention.

It is not doing so to harm you , but only to try and ensure its own survival.  But fear not – no harm will come to it, no pain will come to you, if you allow the voice of the ego to dissolve.  It will simply vanish and melt back into the energy of all that is.

It will be fine Dear one, but more importantly, know that you will be fine without it.

And all of this will begin to happen as soon as you remember to connect to your heart, start listening to it attentively, and allow yourself to feel and receive all that it has to offer.