In order for your current reality to look and feel and taste and smell more the way you want it to Dear One, you’ve got to be willing to make some sacrifices.

You’ve got to be willing to sacrifice the old story you’ve been telling about yourself, the old image you’ve been holding onto of yourself,  the old patterns that you have been maintaining for yourself.

You’ve got to consciously decide to give them up before you can move on.

Do you think you can do that?

Do you think you can make those sacrifices Dear One?

We do.

And we’ll even help you to get started.

Paint a picture in your head of what you want your life to look like, to feel like, to be like Dear One.  Allow yourself to really go there in your heart.  Stay in this place, creating as much detail as you possibly can until you find yourself smiling and enjoying the experience you are creating for yourself.

Got it?

Now start living and acting, and making choices and decisions as if you were already there.