On: Being right

By |2023-06-06T22:04:03-04:00August 21st, 2018|English|

There is no right answer, Dear One.

There is no right place.

There is no right person.

There is no right job.

There is no right choice.

There is only right now.

So, make the most of it!

On: Asking for help when you need it

By |2018-08-20T22:35:08-04:00August 20th, 2018|English|

When you come to the realization that you are in need of help, Dear One, ask for it – from source, from spirit, from an angel, from a friend, from a colleague, from your family, from a stranger.  Just ask.

It doesn’t matter who you ask, or how you ask as much as it matters THAT you ask.

Ask for whatever it is that you need Dear One.  Asking will help you get clear, will help you to figure out what it is you are really in need of.

And as soon as you do, the very moment that you finish asking – start looking for it to show up for you.  Because by the time you are done asking, help will already be on its way.

Just don’t forget to keep an eye out for it, and your heart open to it, and most importantly, accept it when it gets there.

On: Overcoming your fears

By |2018-08-19T22:23:32-04:00August 19th, 2018|English|

Contrary to popular opinion Dear One, taking action is not necessarily the best remedy for overcoming your fears.

  • So you can stop trying to force yourself to do that thing that you are afraid to do.
  • You can stop trying to muster up every last bit of courage that you’ve got to “just do it”, when you truly believe that you can’t, or that doing so is going to cause you harm.
  • You can stop repeatedly traumatizing yourself as a means of healing.

We would never ask that of you or encourage you to do so.


Because your beliefs create your reality.

So if not through action then, how do we recommend that you work on overcoming your fears?

By changing your beliefs about what you are afraid of.
And that change can be as simple as shifting from a mindset of “ I can’t” to one of “I can”.

And then once you have done so, once you have put in the work and changed what you believe about the object of your fear, then you can put that believe into action, then you can start to practice it, then you can begin prove it to yourself through action.

On: The antidote to insecurity

By |2018-08-17T21:05:45-04:00August 17th, 2018|English|

The root of your insecurity is not your height Dear One. And it is not your weight, hair, job or clothes either. It is not how you were raised, how much money you have, where you grew up, where you live now, or how much you think you are loved. It is not your siblings, your spouse or ex-best friend, and it is most definitely not your mother.

The root of your insecurity Dear One, is your head.

You head will tell you stories. It will tell you that something is wrong when it is not, that something is missing when it is well within your reach, or that something is about to disappear that is rightfully yours forever. It will tell you that if you are not careful, if you do pay attention and play by the rules that you could lose all that you have, never get all that you want, and end up with everything that you fear and despise.

Do you want to know how to put an end to it, and rid yourself of all of your insecure thoughts once and for all?

The next time you are looking for the truth Dear One, about your value, your worth, your beauty, your ability, your potential, or your importance in this world, turn to your heart instead of your head for the answer.

And then trust what it tells you.

On: Hate

By |2018-08-16T23:16:47-04:00August 16th, 2018|English|

Hate is a powerful emotion Dear One, one that is often felt very deeply.  And if you are feeling it, we are sure that you have your reasons.

Hate can be a difficult thing to let go of, even if you want to, especially when you feel that you have justifiably earned the right to feel it.

We will not ask you to stop hating Dear One. We would never ask you to do something so difficult.  We would never ask you to do something that you do not want to do.

But what we will ask of you is that you stop giving hate your attention.

What we are asking of you is that you not spend even one more minute of your  time, your thoughts, your energy,  your life, focused on that which you hate, and instead choose to focus on that which you enjoy, on that which you love, on loving each other instead.

You see Dear One, hate only serves to bring more hate into the world, nothing more.  It doesn’t fix anything, heal anything, even any score, or make things right, and it never will.

But love on the other hand has the power to transform, to heal, anything, even hate.

On: How to get from here to there

By |2018-08-16T10:35:54-04:00August 15th, 2018|English|

How do you get yourself from here to there, Dear One?

You trust yourself.

Trust your heart. Trust your instincts.  Trust your abilities.  Trust your choices. Trust your life.

Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, to learn exactly what you need to learn, to get exactly where you want to go.

Then act, and allow change to come – without fear, without guilt, without struggle, without doubt, without resistance.

And before you know it, you will be on  your way.

On: Determining the course of the rest of your life

By |2018-08-12T23:45:48-04:00August 12th, 2018|English|

Do you believe yourself to be a victim of the circumstances of your life Dear One, or the creator of them? 

Take a minute to think about it before you answer, because your reply will pretty much determine the course of the rest of your day, your week, your month, your year, your life.

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