On: Why should you forgive them?

By |2019-08-21T23:35:44-04:00August 21st, 2019|English|

Forgive them for their mistakes Dear One, their shortcomings, their faults, their ignorance, and their impatience.

Forgive their actions when they react out of fear, their words when they respond from pain, their behaviors when they get defensive, and their callousness when they are cruel.

They are not perfect. They are deeply flawed. They are hurting, healing, learning, and coping the best way that they know how. Believe it or not, they are actually doing the very best that they believe that they are capable of.

They are imperfect Dear One – just like you.

Forgive them without expectation, without condition, without question and without hesitation.


Because doing so is one of the most powerful healing gifts that you can give to yourself.

On: A win-win scenario

By |2019-08-20T23:32:46-04:00August 20th, 2019|English|

Act courageously today Dear One.

Do something that you have been afraid to do. Say something that you have been afraid to say. Decide not to let the fear of rejection, embarrassment, or failure stop you.

And at the end of the day, regardless of the outcome, celebrate the fact that you did it.

On: Being self-destructive

By |2019-08-19T23:51:37-04:00August 19th, 2019|English|

We are not going to try and stop you from making self-destructive choices Dear One, repeating self-destructive patterns, or engaging in self-destructive relationships.

This is your life and you are free to choose to live it any way that you please.

But what we are going to do is try and help you to become more aware of the fact that you are doing so.

We want you to think about and be conscious of every single choice that you make.  We want you to choose purposefully, deliberately, and with intention.

If you are making choices that are harming you, we would like for you to be fully aware of the fact that you are doing so.

This is your life Dear One, and you are free to make any choice that pleases you.

If, however, the choices that you are making are not pleasing to you, then we are going to do all that we can to encourage you to start making different ones

On: Seeking more guidance

By |2019-08-19T00:03:10-04:00August 19th, 2019|English|

You are not lacking guidance Dear One. That you’ve got in spades.

What you are lacking is the confidence in yourself to believe it when you hear it – to trust it – to act on it.

Instead of asking for, searching for, seeking out more guidance – allow yourself to be courageous enough to act on that which you already know to be true.

Clarity comes with action Dear One. You’ll never know for sure until you try.

On: Hypocrisy

By |2023-06-06T22:04:01-04:00August 18th, 2019|English|

Hypocrisy: To say one thing and do another.  There are very few people in this world that are not hypocrites at one time or another Dear One.  And to this we say  BRAVO!  There are so many of you that say and talk about things that you wish you did, that you are wanting to do, but have not yet made not even the slightest effort to do them, and to this we say – OK.

Because we know it is coming.  We know that so often talking about a thing precedes actually doing a thing.  So if there are things you want to do, or beliefs you want to adopt, or causes you wish you were behind, we say – go for it – talk about them as if you are already doing them – Act as if you are virtuous if you want to be – Act as if you are loyal even if you are not yet.  Act as if you are charitable even if your actions don’t yet match up with the sentiments – because if the intention is there and the desire is there then the action just might follow.

Don’t be so quick to judge another for what they have said and not yet done Dear One.  Look instead at a person’s accomplishments, their successes, their virtues and if you must judge them, judge them based on those events.  Judge them based on the best in them not on the worst in them.

Raise the roof on the possibilities that exist for them in their lives.  Because as you know from experience, the expectations of others can and does have an influence on their behavior.   So, if your expectations are going to have an influence on those around you, wouldn’t you rather that your influence be a positive one instead of a negative one?

So if you feel you must judge, we say go right ahead and judge – but don’t judge people based on the worst of them – make your judgments instead based on the very best of them – after-all isn’t that what you are hoping you will be judged on?

On: Finding alignment

By |2019-08-16T00:08:22-04:00August 16th, 2019|English|

Passion, inspiration, intuition, and joy are all “tools” that your soul uses Dear One, to speak to you to, to connect with you, to get your attention, to guide you, to motivate you, to encourage you to move in one direction or another, every single day.

So pay attention.

When you get a hit, big or small, of any of them, it means that you have just stumbled across something that your soul does not want you to miss, that is worthy of pursuit, of further investigation, that is, in one way or another, in alignment with who you really are.

On: Into the unknown

By |2023-06-06T22:04:01-04:00August 14th, 2019|English|

Our wish for you today Dear One, is that you will allow yourself to break with tradition, to take a break from your norms, from what is comfortable and familiar to you, from your habitual thoughts, patterns, behaviors, and beliefs and venture into the unknown — going where your heart, and opportunity leads you — without fear, without hesitation, without question.  And that you be brave, confident, trusting, and gentle on yourself as you do.

You can always choose to turn back if you would like, and return to familiar patterns, familiar behaviors, and familiar beliefs. You can always choose to revert back to what is known, anytime you would like – if you want to.

So you’ve really got nothing to lose.

Will you do it?

On: Universal priorities

By |2019-08-13T23:42:22-04:00August 13th, 2019|English|

The universe is taking its lead from you Dear One.

The moment that you decide that your health, your well-being, your piece of mind, and your happiness, are your top priorities – it will prioritize them too.

On: Exerting your power

By |2019-08-13T00:04:53-04:00August 13th, 2019|English|

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say Dear One, is I’m sorry.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can be, is forgiving.

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do, is let go.

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