On: Identifying the laws of the universe

By |2019-11-10T22:47:01-05:00November 10th, 2019|English|

Today, what we want you to know Dear One, is that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to fear judgment, of any kind.

You can and should feel absolutely free to say, think, do, act, and behave in any way that you would like, in any way that feels good, right, and appropriate to you.

We want you to know that you are not here to follow rules. You are here to explore them, to discover them, and to figure out all that you are capable of doing within them.

The rules, the laws, the guiding principles of creation, of the universe, don’t exist to limit you Dear One, to control you, to manipulate you, or to keep you in-line with some master plan.

They exist to do the exact opposite. They exist to maximize your potential, your movement, your ability to create, your ability to experience all that is possible in this physical reality, and your ability to expand upon it.

(And you never have to worry about breaking them, because you can’t.)

If someone, some book, some theory or concept dictates to you a set of universal rules, of universal laws that do anything other that that, you can be certain, you can know for sure that they most definitely did not originate from the source of creation, from the source of all that is.

On: Needs

By |2023-06-06T22:04:01-04:00November 10th, 2019|English|

Easy does it Dear One.

There is no need for you to stress. There is no need for you to take it all on at once. This is no need for you to rush through this moment simply to get to the next.

There is no need for you to work without pleasure. There is no need for you to hold on to anger. There is no need for you to remain fearful. There is no need for you to punish them because you are in pain.

There is no need for you to pretend to be someone that you are not. There is no need for you to pretend to feel something that you do not. And there is most definitely no need for you to allow other peoples circumstances to effect you as much as you have been allowing them to effect you.

This is your life Dear One.

The most important person in it is you.

The most important moment is now.

The most important thing that you can do for yourself today is give yourself permission to re-evaluate your needs.

On: Why you can’t quit

By |2019-11-09T00:38:58-05:00November 9th, 2019|English|

You can’t quit Dear One.

  • Not because you shouldn’t.
  • Not because you couldn’t
  • Not because it’s a sign of weakness, failure or an admittance of guilt or incompetence if you do

You can’t quit because whatever it is you are trying to get away from by quitting is not going to go away until you deal with it, confront it, face it, handle it, learn from it, address it head on.  It will keep coming back, in one form or another, again and again and again, until you do.

When it comes down to it, quitting really is nothing more than a delay tactic.

It is a defeatist act rooted in frustration, desperation and a belief in powerlessness, and it resolves nothing

But making a conscious decision to walk away, choosing to make a different choice, an empowered choice, now that is an entirely different story altogether.

On: The possibility of a miracle today

By |2019-11-07T00:19:34-05:00November 7th, 2019|English|

When you wake up each morning, Dear One, there are infinite possibilities available to you.  And these possibilities diminish only when you choose to dismiss them.  Only when you decide that something is impossible does it become impossible.

The truth is that anything is possible.  It is in large part a matter of belief that allows everything into your reality.

First you must believe, and then you will see.

So, don’t expect miracles to show up in your day if you don’t’ believe in them.  Expect reality, and you won’t be disappointed.  Expecting a miracle can be a very difficult thing to do if you don’t believe.  Expecting reality is much simpler, and much more logical thing to do.

But, if your belief of reality is that anything is possible, well then…..

See what you expect.  Expect more than what you see.  This is the key to creation.

On: The gift that keeps on giving

By |2019-11-05T00:00:09-05:00November 5th, 2019|English|

Before you take even one more step forward Dear One, forgive yourself; for whatever it is that you did yesterday that you regret, that you wish you had not done, that you wish you had done better, that you wish you could take back, change, erase or undo.

Forgive yourself – no questions asked, without judgment, without condition, without threat of punishment or fear of condemnation.

Just forgive yourself.

Give yourself this give today.

You deserve it.

And those around you deserve it too.

All of your  thoughts, words, actions, and connections will be all the more powerful, genuine, authentic and meaningful Dear One, when you are fully present in the here and now, when you are no longer holding yourself hostage in your past.

On: Not having the answer

By |2019-11-03T23:24:32-05:00November 3rd, 2019|English|

You are not meant to have all of the answers Dear One.

  • And neither are they.

You are here to decide, to choose, to experience, to figure them out along the way.

  • And so are they.

Please remember that, and be kind, compassionate, loving, and forgiving of you both, while you do.

On: Your significance

By |2019-11-03T00:42:43-04:00November 3rd, 2019|English|

Until you come to see and truly grasp the immeasurable value of your own significance Dear One, all of your ideas, actions, and words are going to feel insignificant to you, are going to feel as if they are not enough, are going to leave you feeling as if you are not enough, or are coming up short.

BUT, as soon as you come to see and understand fully the value, the significance, the treasure that is you, THEN, and only then, will you be able to see the great value and significance in every – single – thing that you do.

On: A lesson on letting go, quickly

By |2019-11-02T00:17:05-04:00November 2nd, 2019|English|

You want to learn how to let it go Dear One, quickly?

We’ll tell you how it’s done.

You don’t do it by force. And you don’t do it with distractions.

You don’t do it by dismissing your feelings, trying to rationalize them away, or by punishing yourself for having picked them up in the first place either.

You do it by remembering that every thought that you think, word that you speak, action that you take, and belief that you maintain, is attracting more of exactly the same directly to you, every minute, of every hour, every day that you think it, speak it, do it, or believe it.

That’s how.

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