On: Identifying the laws of the universe
Today, what we want you to know Dear One, is that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to fear judgment, of any kind.
You can and should feel absolutely free to say, think, do, act, and behave in any way that you would like, in any way that feels good, right, and appropriate to you.
We want you to know that you are not here to follow rules. You are here to explore them, to discover them, and to figure out all that you are capable of doing within them.
The rules, the laws, the guiding principles of creation, of the universe, don’t exist to limit you Dear One, to control you, to manipulate you, or to keep you in-line with some master plan.
They exist to do the exact opposite. They exist to maximize your potential, your movement, your ability to create, your ability to experience all that is possible in this physical reality, and your ability to expand upon it.
(And you never have to worry about breaking them, because you can’t.)
If someone, some book, some theory or concept dictates to you a set of universal rules, of universal laws that do anything other that that, you can be certain, you can know for sure that they most definitely did not originate from the source of creation, from the source of all that is.