The root of your insecurity is not your height Dear One. And it is not your weight, hair, job or clothes either. It is not how you were raised, how much money you have, where you grew up, where you live now, or how much you think you are loved. It is not your siblings, your spouse or ex-best friend, and it is most definitely not your mother.

The root of your insecurity Dear One, is your head.

You head will tell you stories. It will tell you that something is wrong when it is not, that something is missing when it is well within your reach, or that something is about to disappear that is rightfully yours forever. It will tell you that if you are not careful, if you do pay attention and play by the rules that you could lose all that you have, never get all that you want, and end up with everything that you fear and despise.

Do you want to know how to put an end to it, and rid yourself of all of your insecure thoughts once and for all?

The next time you are looking for the truth Dear One, about your value, your worth, your beauty, your ability, your potential, or your importance in this world, turn to your heart instead of your head for the answer.

And then trust what it tells you.