On: Who do you think you are?

By |2020-06-09T23:48:07-04:00June 9th, 2020|English|

  • Who do you think you are Dear One?
  • What do you think you are capable of?
  • What do you believe is possible for you?

If you don’t already know the answers to these questions, do yourself a favor and spend a little time figuring them out.


Because 100% of your experience in this life is dependent on it.


The answers have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with who they think you are, what they think you are capable of, or what they believe is possible for you.

On: What are you becoming

By |2020-06-09T00:13:11-04:00June 9th, 2020|English|

You are not becoming anything, Dear One.

You already are everything that you are ever going to be.

You are divine.  You are limitless. You are eternal.  You are powerful beyond belief.

And our job is to help you to come to realize this truth, believe it, and prove it to yourself, one glorious experience at a time.

Let us.

On: Being optimistic

By |2023-06-06T22:04:00-04:00June 8th, 2020|English|

Optimism is one of many very powerful tools that you have at your disposal Dear One, and we would love to see you pulling it out and using it a lot more often than you have been.

Decide right now that you are going to be optimistic today – that you are going to look for, expect, anticipate, and acknowledge only the best in every person, situation, opportunity, and circumstance that you encounter.

Don’t think about whether or not you should,  could, or will be able to do it – just do it, and see what happens.

Pessimism, doubt, negativity, and judgment will all still be there for you if you need them, if you should discover that you really just can’t live without them.

So why not give it a shot.

What have you got to lose?

On: Dicipline

By |2023-06-06T22:04:00-04:00June 6th, 2020|English|

Discipline is a mindset Dear One, an attitude, an approach, a guide, a commitment.
It is not a contract, a commandment, an order, a doctrine, or a law that must be followed.

Discipline is flexible, malleable, adaptable,and strong.
It is not hard, rigid, tough, and unforgiving.

Discipline is the boat on water Dear One, not the rope tethering you to the dock.
It is the compass pointing your way, not the points plotted out on a map
It is the sail, and not the anchor.

Practicing discipline should strengthen you, empower you, guide you, help you to feel stronger, freer, more connected and in-synch with the world around you. Not frustrate you, weaken you, and leave you feeling depleted and restricted.

If what you are practicing is not not serving you in all of these positive ways Dear One, there is a very good chance that what you are practicing is not discipline at all, but that you are just being hard on yourself, and that is not the same thing.

On: Transforming the world

By |2023-06-06T22:04:00-04:00June 5th, 2020|English|

You have a significant and powerful gift Dear One – The ability to see both the best and the worst in the people around you.

Choose to focus your attention on their best, on their strengths, on their potential, on their possibilities, on their capacity for change, and you will be transforming your view, and therefore your experience of the world.

People tend to do their best to try and live up (or down) to the image of themselves they see reflected back to them through the eyes of those around them.

Choose to look for only the best Dear One, and you will be transforming their view of themselves, and therefore their experience of the world as well.

On: Now

By |2020-06-04T22:31:01-04:00June 4th, 2020|English|

t’s not about tomorrow, or what’s next, or what was, or what may be.  It is about right now, as it is, in this moment.

In this moment  – you have the ability to make a different choice, to have a different experience, to love a little more, to be a little kinder, to flourish, to be brave, to take a risk, to let it go, to live.  Now, in this moment –  you can choose to be confident – you can choose to take care of yourself – you can choose to impact the lives of others – you can choose to trust and try and trust and try again.  For it is the only thing that is real Dear One.  Now.

You keep forgetting and we will keep finding ways to remind you that now is the only moment that matters.  When you come to believe this, in your heart and in  your head and in  your soul, then you will be home.  The desire to be anywhere but exactly where you are will dissipate.  All questions will dissolve and you will find peace, contentment and satisfaction right where you are.

On: Achieving the impossible

By |2020-06-03T22:00:56-04:00June 3rd, 2020|English|

We are not going to try to encourage you, convince you or teach you how to achieve the impossible Dear One.   That would be a waste of our time and yours.  By definition, the impossible cannot be done.   We would never encourage you to pursue that which you are convinced you can not do.

Instead, we are going to encourage you to dream bigger and focus your attention on that which you believe is possible, on those things that you believe can be accomplished.

Set out in pursuit of those things Dear One, and accomplish them.

Feel that satisfaction that comes along with completing a task, with accomplishing a goal.  And then, when you have sufficiently built up your confidence, when you are feeling good about your self and your abilities, we want you to revisit, re-examine those things that once seemed impossible to you and see if your perception of them has changed at all.

If it has – Wonderful!  You will then be ready to take them on.  And if it has not, then we would like you to go back and repeat the process.

Remember Dear One, something is only impossible when you believe it is.  Therefore everything is impossible and nothing is impossible. And the best part is – you get to choose which is true for you.

So, what’s it going to be today?

On: Why change can’t be forced

By |2020-06-02T23:13:43-04:00June 2nd, 2020|English|

You can’t force change Dear One, upon yourself or anyone else.

You (they) will change only when you (they) are inspired to do so. When you (they) believe that doing so will be to your (their) greatest advantage, to your (their) greatest benefit.

That is why people can and do endure the pain, discomfort and effort that can sometimes accompany change.

Not because they like it, not because they enjoy it, not because it is easy for them, not because they believe that they should or have something to prove.

They do it Dear One, because they know that doing so is going to serve them.

Enduring pain and discomfort on an inspired path to change is an empowering and joyful experience. It builds strength, endurance, and confidence.

Enduring pain and discomfort in the name of change when it is forced upon you, by yourself or by someone else, without a solid belief or knowingthat it is for your greatest good, is a depleting experience . It only serves to weaken you, frustrate you, discourage you, and contribute to greater imbalance in your life.

That Dear One, is why change can’t be forced.

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