On: The bright side
We want you look on the bright side today Dear One.
Because doing so will feel so much better than not doing so, and we want you to feel better.
That’s why.
We want you look on the bright side today Dear One.
Because doing so will feel so much better than not doing so, and we want you to feel better.
That’s why.
Raging, fearing, criticizing or whining about what is Dear One, is about as useful as shaking your fist at the rain during a rainstorm is.
No matter how much effort you exert, no matter how much you wish it wasn’t so, no matter how unjust you think it might be, there is really nothing that you can do to stop the water from falling from the sky.
But what you can do is choose how you are going to react to it.
You can stay inside if you want to. You can go outside with an umbrella, a rain coat, rubber boots, or all three. You can run around the block without your clothes on, or you can choose to go out in your favorite suede coat. You can dance in a puddle or take a walk with a lightening rod.
You can’t stop the rain Dear One, but you can choose how you are going to experience it.
There is nothing wrong with you that time can not heal, Dear One, if only you would stop chasing down healing as if were some goal to be reached.
Health/healing is a part of your journey and not a destination in itself.
It would be like trying to get to fun. Fun is not some place to get to and hold on to forever. Fun is an experience – a gift in the moment.
Think of health the same way.
You can’t get to fun and stay there forever. Just like you can not get to health and stay there forever. It is just not the way it works. You see, you can make every moment fun though. But it can’t be stored up.
Fun is a gift in the moment – as is health. So cheer up and learn to play. Eveything that you desire is in the present moment – fun, health, love, change, prosperity – all of it. Choose it in the moment and it is yours forever – if you choose it over and over and over again that is.
Whether or not to love someone is not a decision that can be made logically Dear one. So stop trying so hard to try to “figure it out”. Because you won’t, you can’t. Love is not a decision to be made. Love is a feeling, a force, an experience that you allow, that you share, that you enjoy.
Either you love / allow love to flow through you and to you, or you don’t.
You allow love Dear One. You don’t choose it.
Either they inspire the feeling, the allowing of it in you, or they do not.
The only decision to be made when it comes to love Dear One is whether or not you are brave enough, open enough, moved enough, desiring a connection enough, to allow it, to experience it, to surrender yourself to it, when inspiration should strike.
Whatever it is, whatever you did, or did not do, or thought about doing, or didn’t have time to do, or did too quickly, slowly or halfway, or did out of vengeance, anger, fear or weakness yesterday – practice compassion, kindness, and forgiveness for yourself today, Dear One when you think about it.
Beating yourself up will not serve you in any positive capacity towards doing it any differently or better today.
Trust us. We know.
Kindness. Compassion. Forgiveness.
Then let it go.
That’s the only way to ensure that the yesterday you will experience tomorrow will feel better to you than todays does.
If you truly understood Dear One, just how extremely powerful, amazingly precious, uniquely gifted, and absolutely essential you are, just as you are, you would never again speak another unkind word, think another unkind thought, or do another unkind thing to yourself, ever again.
Just a reminder Dear One, that you absolutely can, do or be or have, every single thing that you want in your life, regardless of how great the distance may appear to be from where you are now to that which you are wanting – so don’t worry about it.
Believe it or not, adding the emotion of worry into the mix is not going to make things better. Worrying won’t actually serve you in any positive or constructive way or help you to move towards that which you are wanting any faster, or with greater ease.
In fact – the exact opposite of that is true. Worry will only serve to slow you down, and hold you apart from that which you are wanting longer than if there was no worry present. But we suspect that you already knew that.
You can choose to focus your attention on, and take notice of, those things that inspire feelings of worry in you as you travel along your path or, you can choose to take notice of and focus your attention on those thing that inspire feelings of joy, gratitude, anticipation, excitement and hope instead.
While technically you can worry your way to joy, accomplishment and success Dear One, because you are bound to let at least a few good feelings sneak in here and there along the way, we wouldn’t recommend it. We promise you that the journey will be a much more pleasant, pleasurable and expedient one if you choose to leave the worrying out of it.
To worry or not to worry? That is the question
And the answer, is up to you.
You are not messing up Dear One, you are letting go.
Although we can understand how you could get the two confused when you are increasingly finding yourself in unfamiliar situations, having unfamiliar experiences, with unfamiliar people, and unfamiliar emotions.
Our wish for you is that as you allow yourself to venture into the unknown that you will be brave, that you will be trusting, that you will be gentle on yourself, and that you will allow transformation to occur.
You can always choose to turn back, and resume familiar patterns, familiar behaviors, and familiar beliefs if that is what you would like.
But you already know where that path will lead you.
Before you make that choice we would like you to ask yourself, is back really where you want to go?
If you want to know what’s wrong with the world Dear One, and your response to the anger is anger, to the outrage is outrage, to the violence is violence, and to the hatred is hatred, you should know that regardless of how good your intentions are, that you need not look any further than yourself to find the answer.
Don’t allow yourself to become imprisoned by the choices, decisions and promises that you made yesterday Dear One.
Your understanding of the world around you is constantly changing and growing. In every moment, the potential exists for you to know something new that you did not know the moment before. This new information is constantly changing your perspective – and this constantly changing perspective is a gift. Don’t throw it away simply because you “adamantly” made a decision about something yesterday.
Today, your new perspective, your current vantage point, might allow you to see something that will make yesterdays perspective obsolete. Embrace those moments when they happen Dear One and allow them to change you, change your mind and change your behavior. It would be a real shame to stand in one place all of your life simply because you told someone that you would.
Don’t let your desire to be right or loyal or trustworthy supersede your desire to live your life to the fullest. Don’t let the promises that you made yesterday stop you from living your life today. The truth is that the people that you made them to have changed as well. Their needs, desires and perspectives are not going to the be same forever either.
Honor yourself and your commitments as they make sense in the moment and don’t allow yourself to be ruled by a past that is already gone or a future that does not yet exist.