On: Doing the honorable thing

By |2020-11-20T23:25:48-05:00November 20th, 2020|English|

There is no honor in doing that which you do not believe in Dear One.

There is no honor in pretending to care when you do not.

There is no honor in deceiving someone simply to avoid confrontation.

Do you really want to do the honorable thing?

Be honest.  Be compassionate. Be loving.

Open your heart, release your judgments and care.

On: Starting a gratitude cycle

By |2020-11-19T23:00:26-05:00November 19th, 2020|English|

Smile, Dear One.

Something wonderful is going to happen to you very soon.

And when it does, you should remember to smile and say thank you.

If you do, there is a very good chance that it will happen again.

And when it does, you should remember to smile and say thank you.

If you do, there is a very good chance that it will happen again .

Are you starting to get the idea?

On: Turning it up a notch

By |2020-11-18T23:30:28-05:00November 18th, 2020|English|

Your heart does not have an off switch Dear One.  It is always on.

It is always talking to you. It is always guiding you. It is always showing you the way.

When you can’t hear it, and all you can hear is the voice in your head, the voice of fear, insecurity, doubt, judgment, concern, guilt, lack, or despair, it is does not mean that your heart has shut down, is unavailable, or that it does not have wisdom to share with you.

It simply means that in that moment you are choosing to focus your attention elsewhere.

The voice that you give your attention to Dear One, is the one that you will hear the loudest.

If you want to turn the volume back up on your heart, so that you can hear it loud and clear, so that it is the dominate voice within you, simply choose to give your undivided attention to it.

Do this and it won’t take long before all of the other rumblings within you become nothing more than a faint and distant murmur in the background.

On: Why you left

By |2020-11-17T23:23:35-05:00November 17th, 2020|English|

Was I unhappy there, when I was in in spirit?

  • No, you were loved here, Dear One.

Then why did I leave?

  • To experience love there.

On: Building courage

By |2020-11-17T00:01:33-05:00November 17th, 2020|English|

Act courageously today Dear One; say what you think, do what you feel, honor your heart, act on its behalf.

And then celebrate the fact that you have done so – regardless of the outcome.

This is not a practice designed to get you to take bigger strides, its an exercise to help you feel good about consciously making more authentic ones.

On: Things you’ll never be able to do

By |2020-11-15T22:42:14-05:00November 15th, 2020|English|

There are some things Dear One, that no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to do.

  •  You will never be perfect.
  •  You will never be able to make them perfect

You have our word on that.

So you can stop trying.

Does that help?

On: Your motivations

By |2020-11-15T00:19:35-05:00November 15th, 2020|English|

Do you know what is guiding you Dear One?  Do you know what the desire is that is motivating you to make the choices that you make?

Is it trust, love, a desire to create, connect, to be happy, to be strong, to know joy?

Or is it a desire for security, safety, acceptance, belonging, recognition, attention, or relief?

It is important that you know because before you can change, before you can create more of what it is that you want for yourself, you need to first be aware of what that is.  And know this; figuring out your desires, what it is that you want to create more of in your life is very different than figuring out what is it you want to avoid.

  • A desire to avoid heartbreak is not the same as wanting more love in your life.
  • A desire for less illness is not the same as wanting better health
  • A desire to avoid poverty is not the same as wanting greater wealth
  • A desire to feel less lonely is not the same as wanting more companionship
  • A desire for less stress is not the same as wanting more time, energy, contentment, or peace of mind
  • A desire for less fatigue is not the same as wanting more endurance so you can do, be, have, or accomplish all that you want.

The steps, actions, feelings, and mindset required for you to create one are dramatically different than what is required for you to create the other.

All of the attention in the world focused on a contrasting goal is not ever going to bring you any closer to attaining it, no matter how hard you try, how badly you want it, or how much you think you deserve it.

So, now you know, now you aware.

Now what?

On: One less thing to worry about

By |2023-06-06T22:03:59-04:00November 14th, 2020|English|

You are here to have an experience of being alive, Dear One.

You can’t get it wrong.

Just like you can’t order the wrong flavor of ice cream.  No flavor is wrong.  Each flavor is just different.

The more you order – the more flavors you will get a chance to taste –  the more you will discover what your personal preferences are.  Some flavors you will like, some you will love, and some you will discover that you don’t like much at all.

But with each choice Dear One, you are learning.

As long as you keep choosing, as long as you continue to taste all that you want to taste, and allow yourself to continue to have new experiences, you can’t get it wrong.  We promise you that.

You now officially have one less thing to worry about!

On: Self-Talk

By |2020-11-13T00:44:57-05:00November 13th, 2020|English|

  • What if instead of telling yourself all that could go wrong Dear One, you told yourself all that could go right?
  • What if instead of thinking about all that you could lose, you thought about all that you could gain?
  • What if instead of questioning your heart, doubting your instincts, and dismissing your intuition, you trusted them all and followed them without reservation?

If you don’t already know the answers to these questions Dear One, what if instead of wondering about them,  you decided to try something new today, and discover them?


On: Restoring balance

By |2023-06-06T22:03:59-04:00November 12th, 2020|English|

The single most important thing that you can do for yourself in this moment Dear One, to restore balance, is to allow balance to be restored.
How do you do this?

One conscious choice at a time.

Before you take any action, always remember to ask yourself this:

  •  Will this choice, will this action, will this meal, will this drink, will this purchase, will this person, will this conversation, will this decision, bring me closer to achieving a state of balance in my life or carry me farther away from it?

If you choose to move towards balance Dear One, consciously and intentionally, every time, it will not be long until you are once again experiencing it.

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