Expel, release, let go of that which you do not need Dear One – that which makes you feel ill or uneasy – the excesses in your life that are weighing you down, that are pulling you under. Keep those things that challenge you, enlighten you, brighten your mood, change your perspective, inspire, motivate and propel you forward. You will know the difference between them by how they make you feel.
You opened up to receive and in the process took in a big gulp of salt water into your lungs. It happens. Don’t respond by closing down. Instead, practice opening up to the experience of swimming and not the experience of the water. Do you see the different? One will cause you to float and the other to drown.
Be kind to yourself as you learn, and forgiving. Don’t beat yourself up about what you should or could have done differently and continue to drown. Allow yourself to move forward from wherever you are with trust, confidence and faith, and float.
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