On: Floating vs. Drowning

By |2020-12-10T23:05:00-05:00December 10th, 2020|English|

Expel, release, let go of that which you do not need Dear One – that which makes you feel ill or uneasy – the excesses in your life that are weighing you down, that are pulling you under. Keep those things that challenge you, enlighten you, brighten your mood, change your perspective, inspire, motivate and propel you forward. You will know the difference between them by how they make you feel.

You opened up to receive and in the process took in a big gulp of salt water into your lungs.  It happens.  Don’t respond by closing down. Instead, practice opening up to the experience of swimming and not the experience of the water. Do you see the different? One will cause you to float and the other to drown.

Be kind to yourself as you learn, and forgiving. Don’t beat yourself up about what you should or could have done differently and continue to drown. Allow yourself to move forward from wherever you are with trust, confidence and faith, and float.

On: Approaching the day

By |2020-12-10T00:57:01-05:00December 10th, 2020|English|

Decide right now Dear One, before you do anything else, how you are going to approach this day.

Are you going to react to it, and all of the people, circumstances and events in it, or are you going to intentionally create it? Are you going to approach it with confidence or with fear?  With trust or with doubt? With excitement or with dread?  With self-pity or with gratitude? With an open heart or a closed one? With a belief in limitations or in endless possibilities?

Think carefully about your answer Dear One, choose it very consciously, because whatever you decide right now, is going to impact every other decision that you make today, and every single experience that you have as a result.

On: When there is no end in sight

By |2020-12-08T23:35:32-05:00December 8th, 2020|English|

You’re never going to be finished Dear One. You’re never going to get it all done.  So you might as well stop trying.  You might as well stop looking for the end.

Allow yourself to accept and be at peace with this reality.  Allow yourself to enjoy the fact that there is and always will be much for you to do – much for you to practice – much for you to learn – oh so very much for you to experience.

You can choose to allow your constantly expanding reality to be a source of stress in your life, or you can choose to embrace it, enjoy it, relax into it and be excited by the fact that change, growth and renewal are available to you in each and every moment.

You will never run out of choices.  You will never run out of options.  You will never run out of opportunities.  You will never get it all done, Dear One.

You will never reach the end of what is possible for you.  Never.


On: Permission to let go

By |2020-12-07T23:10:22-05:00December 7th, 2020|English|

You can choose to focus your attention on what’s wrong Dear One, on that which is making you feel badly if you want to, but you should know, that you absolutely don’t have to.

On: Something very important

By |2020-12-06T22:37:58-05:00December 6th, 2020|English|

We need you to do something very important for us today, Dear One.

Be genuine. Be authentic. Be brave. Be honest.  Be open.  Be curious. Be conscious. Be silly. Be scared. Be uncertain. Be doubtful. Be flawed.

Be human.

Be you.

On: Guidance

By |2023-06-06T22:03:58-04:00December 5th, 2020|English|

Every minute of every day we are speaking to you, encouraging you, guiding you towards that which you are wanting for yourself Dear One.   To tap in to, receive, understand this guidance it might be helpful for you to understand why we do this.  It is not to tell you what to do, dictate your choices or create your future.  That is something only you can do, and we would never take away the gift of choice and discovery from you.

We are not concerned with the color of your shirt but want you to feel empowered by the clothing that you wear.  We will not encourage you to love one person above another, but will encourage that which will help you to know and experience true love in your heart with another soul that is as open to it as much as or even more so than you are.  We are not so concerned about what career/work you choose to do, but want you to know that how you spend your time and energy and how you choose to be of service to those around you does matter. We will guide you towards finding fulfillment in your work and encourage you/lead you towards that which will bring you greater enjoyment, meaning and authentic connection to others using the gifts/talents that you have.  We will encourage that which will expand your boundaries and your experience of the world – that which you will bring you the greatest joy while you are doing it.  Whether you are painting pictures, changing light bulbs or teaching children how to read – what you do is of less importance to us than how you feel while you are doing it.

You are contributing to the creation of your world all of the time – with every choice, thought and action that you take.   We want you to remember to enjoy yourself while you are doing it – to help you create from a place of joy, contentment and optimism.  Doing so is not only beneficial to you Dear One, but to all of those that share this world with you.

On: Forgiveness, Simplified

By |2020-12-05T00:20:32-05:00December 5th, 2020|English|

We want to make this as simple for you as we possibly can, Dear One.

Forgiveness has absolutely, positively, nothing what so ever to do with them.

It is simply the act of releasing your connection to something that no longer serves you,  releasing your bond with something that you no longer want to remain connected to.

It is letting go of the rope that is dragging you, removing your hand from the hot stove that is burning you, abandoning the sinking ship.

On: Beauty

By |2020-12-03T22:54:13-05:00December 3rd, 2020|English|

Everyone is looking for/striving for/seeking beauty Dear One – Every single one of you, with no exception

The only problem is that more often than not, so many of you find yourself coming up short, frustrated with your search, not finding what you are looking for – left with the impression that beauty is rare or elusive.  Why?  Because many of you have no idea what beauty really is – so you look in all the wrong places, chase down all the wrong things trying to find it or create it.

Beauty is a feeling, an emotion, an energy.  It is the essence of who you are.  It is a state of openness, a state of trust and allowing, acceptance of the universe, of what is.  It is not flat abs and a shiny full head of hair.  It is not pouty lips, smooth tight skin or perfectly manicured nails .  Those things are all nothing more than limited physical attributes of the body.  True beauty is limitless.

To say that beauty is measured by how one looks – is like saying that intelligence is measured by how one smells.

Your eyes are not the determinate of beauty Dear One, your heart is.

True beauty is not about how you look – it is about how you see.

Choose to see beauty in everything around you Dear One and  you will.  It is there. It is built into everything.   As soon as you start looking for it, with your heart, you will find it and be in awe of its abundance.

May we suggest that you start with you.

On: Don’t let it go

By |2020-12-02T23:53:11-05:00December 2nd, 2020|English|

If letting go is a struggle for you Dear One, if you are finding it difficult or nearly impossible to let go of something that you know is no longer serving you, don’t do it.

Don’t let it go.

Struggling, forcing, or pushing yourself to do something that you are not ready to do, or give up something that you are not ready to give up, will never work, no matter how hard you try.

Instead, make a decision to focus your attention elsewhere, on something that you believe will serve you well, on something that is wanted, welcomed, and desired.

If you can’t let go Dear One, don’t.

Simply make the decision to allow something else to become more important.

The end result will be the same.

On: That little prick

By |2020-12-01T23:15:10-05:00December 1st, 2020|English|

We know that you are tough, Dear One. We know that you are strong, and clever, and resourceful.  We know that you are extremely capable of coping with, adapting to, learning to live with, and working around obstacles, difficulties, and pain.

But the truth is that we don’t want you to be.

What we want Dear One, is that when you feel that splinter go in, when you feel that first little prick of pain, when that alarm sounds and you experience those first pangs of concern, distress, discomfort, hurting, or dis-ease, that you give your coping skills a rest for a change.

We don’t want to see you reach for your usual box of Band-Aids and show us, and the rest of the world, just how well you can adapt to it, cope with it, rationalize it, and keep on going.  What we want Dear One, is to see you reach for the tweezers instead.

We don’t want you getting better, and becoming more practiced, at learning to live with the little pricks in your life.  We want you getting better at removing them, while they are still small, before they have a chance to take root, evolve, spread, and grow and into bigger ones.

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