On: Why winning isn’t everything

By |2021-08-22T00:56:08-04:00August 20th, 2021|English|

Winning may feel really good in the moment, but remember that “winning”, Dear One, makes up such a small part of the most meaningful moments in your life.

Winning is not something that you can do every day.  Winning is not something that is as readily available to you as for example, connecting is.  And connection Dear One, can feel 1,000’s better and is something that you could potentially experience every minute of every day.  Connection is something that is always available to you, while opportunities to “win” are much more rare.

We are not saying winning does not feel great. Because it does. But, think on it and then decide, on what you want to focus the majority of your attention on, on where you want to commit the majority of your time.



On: The dark

By |2021-08-20T00:11:20-04:00August 20th, 2021|English|

Some things, can only been seen in the dark, Dear One.

To never enter the dark room, to never walk through the darkness with your eyes open, is to miss out on half of the experience of being alive.


On: One simple truth

By |2021-08-18T23:22:08-04:00August 18th, 2021|English|

That which is for your greatest good today, Dear One, is for you to remember this one simple truth:   You are the creator.

Now just let that sink in.




On: Balancing Body/Mind/Spirit

By |2021-08-17T23:39:17-04:00August 17th, 2021|English|

Move when your body feels restless, Dear One.
Rest when you feel tired.

Start there.

Listen to the wisdom of your body, Dear One, to care for your body.

Listen to the wisdom of your mind, the logical voice in your head, to care for your intellect.
Listen to the wisdom of your heart, your intuition, to tend to your spirit, to love, of both yourself and others.

Body/Mind/Spirit; each has its own intelligence, its own guidance system that is talking to you, telling you what is needed to keep it running smoothly, to keep things in balance.

Trust the wisdom of each to take care of itself.
Your job is to listen and act on its behalf.

The mind is not meant to rule the body, Dear One.
And the spirit is not meant to lead the mind.

They all serve very different functions.

And when all are in balance, and working together as they should – you will be balanced, you will feel balanced.


On: Redefining success

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00August 16th, 2021|English|

Balance is not achieved, Dear One, by succeeding at everything that you take on.
(Which is what you along with most everyone else attempts to do most of the time oh by the way)

Balance is achieved, Dear one, when balance is the goal.
Balance is achieved when balance is the measure of success.

Get it?

Success = Balance

Not more money, more clients, or more attention.
Not being thinner, prettier, or smarter.
Not being more organized, more enlightened, or more accomplished than all the rest.

Success is balance, Dear One.  Balance is success.

Does knowing this now change any of your plans for the day?

Now get out there and succeed.


On: A gentle solution

By |2021-08-16T00:43:20-04:00August 16th, 2021|English|

Know this, Dear One, with absolute certainty — whatever it is, whatever is going on, whatever you are struggling with, whatever you have to fix, manage, resolve, clean up, heal, or eliminate — there IS a gentle solution to it available to you at all times.

So now that you know this, now that you no longer have to wonder, relax, take a deep breath, trust, open your mind and your heart, and allow yourself to see it.

On: Getting more love

By |2021-08-14T22:50:07-04:00August 14th, 2021|English|

You want more Love in your life, Dear One?

Love yourself more.

Give them an example to follow. Show them how it’s done.

But remember, and this is key, that Love is not something that you create. It is not something that you can acquire, accumulate, demand, manipulate, force, hoard, or steal.

The only way that you can experience more Love in your life Dear One, from them or from yourself, is to open yourself up more and allow it.

On: Being realistic

By |2021-08-12T23:27:02-04:00August 12th, 2021|English|

Some people will tell you that wishful thinking will get you nowhere, Dear One, that it is useless, pointless and a waste of your time.

Well, we are here to tell you that those people are wrong.

The truth is that it is wishful thinking that gets you everywhere.

So if you are not already doing it, if you are not already allowing yourself to feel the pure pleasure, joy and excitement of dreaming about, thinking of and wishing for all that you need, want and desire, start doing so today, right now.

You are the creator of your reality Dear One, joyfully imagining it the way that you want it to be is one of the most realistic steps that you take in the process of creating it.

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