On: When to cancel your plans

By |2021-09-11T00:17:41-04:00September 11th, 2021|English|

You can’t do it all at once, Dear One. And you are not supposed to.
There is a reason that you experience your life one day, one hour, one moment at a time.

So, when inspiration strikes, we implore you to be ready to cut the strings on all of your plans; on all of the other thoughts, tasks, actions, and outcomes that you imagined, that you were committed to, that you saw laid out in front of you, behind you, all around you, and trust THIS moment be it, to be THE moment that matters more.

We are not suggesting that you don’t make plans and do your best to commit to them, that you don’t plant seeds for what you want your future to be.  What we are strongly wanting to remind you is not to plan for tomorrow at the expense of today.

When you feel compelled or inspired to do something in the moment, Dear One, to go somewhere, to say something, to create something; trust it, do it, give yourself permission to be flexible, to be spontaneous, to disregard your plans, and temporarily suspend your planting, and go for it.

Why?  Because there is a very good reason behind it.

The hunch, the sudden urge, the desire and motivation to go off script that appears to come out of thin air, is not random, haphazard, or coincidental.   It is coming up for you, in that moment, for a reason.

Even if, for the life of you, you can’t fathom what that reason could be, do it anyway.

Trust us when we will tell you, that you will.  In time, you most definitely will.




On: Not faking it

By |2021-09-09T23:59:18-04:00September 9th, 2021|English|

You know you don’t have to try so hard to be nice, agreeable, and accommodating to others Dear One if you are not feeling nice, agreeable, and accommodating.

Yes, of course you always want to do your best to be respectful, courteous, and compassionate to those around you, but know that there is no less courteous an act then that of being inauthentic, false or phony.

Don’t pretend to like something that you don’t.  Don’t pretend to agree when you disagree.  Don’t pretend to be interested when you are not. Especially if you are doing so out of a sense of respect.  Because we can assure you Dear One, that there is nothing respectful about being disingenuous, deceptive, or fake.

On: When to run away

By |2021-09-09T23:57:18-04:00September 9th, 2021|English|

Run, don’t walk away from anything or anyone that causes you to feel unsafe today, Dear One.

We don’t want you practicing/learning how to better tolerate the discomfort of mistrust.

We want you learning how to heed to it.

It’s important.


On: Surviving the storm

By |2021-09-09T23:57:53-04:00September 7th, 2021|English|

When you are in a place where you can recognize that your ability to see, and think, and perceive clearly has been impaired, Dear One, stop.

Just sit down, right where you are, and be still.

Trying to fix it, pushing more clouded, chaotic energy out into the world when you are in this place, is only going to contribute to the spinning, to the racing, to the whirlwind that is blowing all around you, impairing your vision.

Stop and be still; let the winds die down a bit, let the dust settle. And wait for your vision to clear, before you take one. more. step.

Somedays the most valuable thing that you can do for yourself, and those around you, is to stop, and be perfectly still.

Sometimes, the biggest, most important, and challenging task on your to-do list, is to do nothing.


On: When you don’t know the answer

By |2021-09-09T23:58:17-04:00September 6th, 2021|English|

So, you don’t know the answer. Now what?

Relish in the fact that you don’t know the answer, Dear One.
Because it is actually a really good thing.

It means that you are not acting from a place of habit, that you are awake and that your decision will not being controlled by an automatic habitual behavior or pattern.

And this is a very good thing, A great thing actually.

Not having the answer is good.
Not know what to do next is good.

Next time this happens to you Dear One, try not to sweat it, and try not to “think” about what the answer should be. Try not to turn back to your logical brain to see what habit dictates the answer should be.

Allow yourself to “feel” for the answer instead.
Allow your feelings, your heart, your intuition to guide you instead.

And TRUST that there is a very good reason that your logical, habitual brain did not automatically reply, and is asking you to look elsewhere for the answer,  is giving you the opportunity to give your heart a chance to speak up and be heard.


On: Getting a boost

By |2021-09-09T23:58:45-04:00September 4th, 2021|English|

Chill, Dear One, and trust that the way will rise-up to meet you.

What does that mean exactly?

It means that trusting, allowing, listening to your instincts, listening for guidance, will lead you, will lift you up to where you need to be, to reach, to allow, all that is best for you, all that is for your greatest good.

Stressing, struggling, planning, thinking, relying on your limited knowledge to get your there, relying solely on the limitations of logic of get you there, can cause you to fall short.

Action without trust is like trying to jump a 20ft pole vault with a 3ft pole.

Trust, Dear One, will carry you aaaaall the way over.


On: How to make it stop

By |2023-06-06T22:03:57-04:00September 4th, 2021|English|

You are wanting. You are creating. You are feeling a strong desire for change, Dear One; how you look, how you feel, how you live, what you have, who you love, who loves you.

And you are uncomfortable with it. You are unsure of how exactly you want to change, and what exactly you want to change into, and how you are going to make all of this change happen. And you want to make the discomfort stop.

But to relieve the stress, the unease that accompanies not knowing, the frustration that comes with not having, the self-loathing that comes with feeling unworthy or undeserving, the answer is not to stop wanting, to stop trying, to stop moving forward in an effort to avoid confronting the distress.

The answer is in fact, to do the exact opposite of that.  The answer is to embrace the change, and embrace the lack of clarity, discomfort, uncertainty, and insecurity that comes with it.

Because stopping, turning back, giving up, or running away is never going to get you to where you want to go.  But moving forward might.

And the truth is that both directions, forwards and back, hold the potential for discomfort, equally.  It is unavoidable, nearly impossible to escape the feeling all together.

So the question that you really want to be asking, when it comes to dealing with the discomfort of change, Dear One, is not, How can you make it stop, but….  Do you want to confront, deal with, and work through the discomfort while you are moving forwards, or while you are moving backwards?


On: How to make it through

By |2021-09-04T22:36:41-04:00September 2nd, 2021|English|

Be patient and be kind, Dear One.  Be patient and be kind. With them, and with you.

And if you are unsure of how exactly to do that, of what exactly it looks like to do that from where you are right now, we’ll tell you.

Following these simple steps:

  • Be patient
  • Be kind
  • Be patient
  • Be kind
  • Be patient
  • Be kind

That will be enough, Dear One. That will get you through.


On: How to not get carried away

By |2021-09-04T22:37:26-04:00September 2nd, 2021|English|

Propaganda, Dear One, has a very specific purpose, serves a very specific function. And it is not to deliver a message.

Its function is to sway or move large (or very small) groups of people; to shift their energy/opinions/beliefs and ultimately, their actions, in a very specific direction, by any means necessary.

Propaganda is about the movement, not the message.

The message is nothing more than a means to an end. Don’t focus on the words if you want to discover their true motivation for using them.  The words are meaningless. They are nothing more than a tool.

Look instead, Dear one, at where they are leading you, at where they are trying to get you to go by engaging you in the conversation. And once you see, once you know, you will be in a much better position to decide if you really want to go there, or, if you would rather make a different choice.

Do this, Dear One, consciously become aware of the motives behind their words, and you will essentially be putting stakes in the ground, putting safeguards in place, that will make it virtually impossible for them to carry you away on their platform, without your full awareness and consent.


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