We would like to see you enjoying yourself more and struggling less when you are choosing, Dear one, while you in the process of making your decisions.

Choosing is meant to be fun. Choosing is meant to be exciting. Choosing is meant to be a pleasing and joyous experience.

When you are choosing, you are creating, you are engaging in the most powerful act of creation, of which you are totally and completely in charge.

Making a choice is taking an action that you believe is going to serve you, that you believe is going to make things better, that you believe is going to bring to you greater joy, relief, clarity, balance, abundance, love or something else of a positive nature.

Choosing is something that you should look forward to doing Dear One.

If you are not feeling good about it, if you are not feeling good about the choice you are about to make, if you are not looking forward to the anticipated outcome of it,  then it is probably not a good choice for you to be making.