On: The opposition

By |2021-11-19T22:27:47-05:00November 19th, 2021|English|

What if we told you that there was no opposition, Dear One?

What if we told you that there was only you?

What if we told you that you; your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs, were the greatest, and only source of conflict in your life?

Would you respond them any differently, if you knew this to be true?

On: Help choosing

By |2021-11-18T13:47:41-05:00November 18th, 2021|English|

The stronger choice, the more powerful choice, will always be the one that moves you closer to that which is wanted instead of away from that which is unwanted.

Does that help?

On: Permission

By |2021-11-16T23:50:10-05:00November 16th, 2021|English|

Today is the day, Dear One, to stop asking for permission – to stop waiting for permission and begin behaving like the powerful, divine creator that you are.

This is your journey, to do with as you please.

So… what are you going to do with it today?

On: Making good choices

By |2021-11-16T00:50:12-05:00November 16th, 2021|English|

We would like to see you enjoying yourself more and struggling less when you are choosing, Dear one, while you in the process of making your decisions.

Choosing is meant to be fun. Choosing is meant to be exciting. Choosing is meant to be a pleasing and joyous experience.

When you are choosing, you are creating, you are engaging in the most powerful act of creation, of which you are totally and completely in charge.

Making a choice is taking an action that you believe is going to serve you, that you believe is going to make things better, that you believe is going to bring to you greater joy, relief, clarity, balance, abundance, love or something else of a positive nature.

Choosing is something that you should look forward to doing Dear One.

If you are not feeling good about it, if you are not feeling good about the choice you are about to make, if you are not looking forward to the anticipated outcome of it,  then it is probably not a good choice for you to be making.

On: Being lazy

By |2021-11-15T01:00:02-05:00November 15th, 2021|English|

  • Don’t say you can’t before you try
  • Don’t say they won’t before you ask
  • Don’t say it’s impossible just because no one else has ever done it before
  • Don’t give up before you give it all you’ve got

These are all just different ways for you to exercise lazy, Dear One.

And we don’t think that being lazy is a good enough reason for you to not have everything that you want.

Do you?

On: Failed expectations

By |2021-11-13T23:09:03-05:00November 13th, 2021|English|

You think that if things don’t go the way you imagined they would, if they don’t go as you planned, as expected, that you have somehow failed Dear One, or done something wrong.  But the truth is that that is just not the case.

Your expectations are a reflection of what you know. Your experience is a reflection of what is possible.   And those are two things are dramatically different from one another.

What is possible Dear One, is so much greater than what you know.

And if you want change to happen, if you want to grow, and move beyond what is known to you, beyond your expectations into the realm of what’s possible, then you must begin to let in, allow, and experience without resistance, the unknown.

If you constantly meet the unexpected with judgment, perceive it as wrong, and feel disappointment, dismay, distress, or disbelief when things don’t go as you anticipated, then all change, big or small, will always feel like a struggle to you.

So the next time things don’t go as expected, the next time things don’t go according to plan, instead of cursing it, judging it, or railing against what is, try to be open to it, embrace it, celebrate it and get excited if you can, because when that happens Dear One, when you are no longer aware of exactly what it is that is going to happen next, that is the moment when anything can happen, where anything is possible.

And if you allow yourself to experience it as such, there is no more exhilarating place that you could ever possibly be.

On: Counting your blessings

By |2021-11-13T00:06:42-05:00November 13th, 2021|English|

Today we want you to count your blessings, Dear One.


Because when you are counting your blessings you are not counting your challenges, your struggles, your heartaches, your disappointments, your fears, your pains, your mistakes, or your losses.

That’s why.

On: Working from the inside out

By |2021-11-11T22:49:48-05:00November 11th, 2021|English|

If you want to create real, enduring, meaningful change in your life, Dear One – you’ve got to work from the inside out.

Doing it any other way will only create frustration, anxiety, worry, and heartache, or generate temporary results at best, a lesson that we are sure that you have already learned through experience by now.

So, how do you do this?

Shift your mindset and prioritize the creation of internal beauty, balance, bliss, and love over the creation of all of the same in your external world, and you will be on your way!

On: A way out

By |2021-11-10T23:20:49-05:00November 10th, 2021|English|

Hiding, staying small, keeping quiet, running away, giving up, playing it safe, or getting angry, is not going to protect you Dear One, is not going to lessen the pain, frustration, confusion, discomfort, or lack of abundance in your life, is not going to serve you in any positive way.

Open your heart, open your mind, open your eyes, open your mouth.

Open up wide Dear One, wider than you ever have before and let in the light, make room for something new, create space for something different, for a new possibility, for a new outcome.

Listen to what we are telling you Dear One.

It is the safest, quickest, most effective and pleasurable route out of any undesired state or situation there is.

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