It’s not about tomorrow, or what’s next, or what was, or what may be.  It is about right now, as it is, in this moment.

In this moment  – you have the ability to make a different choice, to have a different experience, to love a little more, to be a little kinder, to flourish, to be brave, to take a risk, to let it go, to live.  Now, in this moment –  you can choose to be confident – you can choose to take care of yourself – you can choose to impact the lives of others – you can choose to trust and try and trust and try again.  For it is the only thing that is real, Dear One.  Now.

You keep forgetting and we will keep finding ways to remind you that now is the only moment that matters.  When you come to believe this, in your heart and in  your head and in  your soul, then you will be home.  The desire to be anywhere but exactly where you are will dissipate.  All questions will dissolve and you will find peace, contentment and satisfaction right where you are.