On: What do you expect from them?

By |2022-03-11T23:48:33-05:00March 11th, 2022|English|

Release your expectations of them, Dear One.

Let them follow their bliss, and you follow yours.

Because in the end, your happiness is not determined by what they think, what they say, what they do, or what they choose next.

It is determined by how you do all of those things.

On: There is no escaping it

By |2022-03-11T00:22:27-05:00March 11th, 2022|English|

There is no beginning, middle, and end to you, Dear One.

  • You are eternal.
  • You will never not be divine.
  • You will never not be a powerful creator.
  • You will never not be a part of all that is.
  • You will never not be connected to us, and we will never not be connected to you.

You are, always have been and always will be all of these things all the time, Dear One, regardless of how you feel, regardless of how you look, regardless of what you say, think, do, or believe.

There is just no escaping it.

On: Being connected

By |2022-03-09T23:26:39-05:00March 9th, 2022|English|

To connect or not to connect.

That is a choice that is available to you in each and every moment of your day, Dear One.

Source, God, spirit, energy, light, life force, prana, Qi, whatever you should choose to call it, is available to you, to all of you, in limitless quantities, equally, at all times, without exception.

The frequency, quality, depth, and intensity, of your connection to it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with us, them, or it, and absolutely everything to do with you, and your desire and willingness to be open to it.

To connect or not to connect.

That is the question.

Now you tell us Dear One….What is your answer going to be?

On: It’s SO over

By |2022-03-09T00:05:17-05:00March 9th, 2022|English|

The time for believing yourself to be weak, incapable, powerless, unworthy, unimportant, unoriginal, or anything less than you really are, is so over, Dear One.

On: Extinguishing guilt

By |2022-03-07T23:26:57-05:00March 7th, 2022|English|

There are three things that you should know about guilt, Dear One:

  • No one can make you feel guilty. Feeling guilty is a choice that only you can make for yourself.
  •  Guilt’s greatest function is to serve as an anchor that holds you in a position of weakness.
  •  The quickest way to extinguish your guilt is by taking responsibility for it, and by choosing to consciously shift yourself from a position of weakness to one of authority over your own life.

On: Some good news

By |2022-03-07T16:50:23-05:00March 6th, 2022|English|

We’ve got some really good news for you, Dear One.

From where we are standing we can see very clearly that most of your daily discomfort, pain, frustration, and unhappiness is not being caused by your current situation, circumstances, relationships, or available opportunities.

It is being caused by your thoughts about your current situation, circumstances, relationships, and available opportunities.

And it is well within your power to change those anytime you want.

Even right this minute if you would like.

On: Making your contribution

By |2022-03-05T00:38:22-05:00March 5th, 2022|English|

  • There is more peace in the world when you are peaceful.
  • There is more anger in world when you are angry.
  • There is more forgiveness in the world when you forgive.
  • There is more hatred in the world when you hate.
  • There is more compassion in the world when you are compassionate.
  • There is more intolerance in the world when you are intolerant.
  • There is more love in the world when you love.

Every contribution that you make counts Dear One.

What are you going to choose to contribute today?

On: Perfection

By |2022-03-03T23:55:45-05:00March 3rd, 2022|English|

No one, and we mean absolutely no one is perfect, Dear One.  And yet – at the same time, you are all absolute perfection.

This is not just another one of life’s contradictions that you are meant to accept and move on.  It is simply an answer from two different vantage points.

From your physical perspective, when you align your thoughts with your physical self, perfection is not possible.  People can deceive themselves with an illusion and think that it is attainable, but we can assure you that it is not. Preferences are real Dear One, perfection does not exist.

BUT when you choose to align yourself with your spiritual identity, with your spiritual self, then yes, you are perfect – all of you – each and everyone one of you is a perfect soul, a glorious spark of the divine, a piece of all that is.

You are both physical and spiritual at once, Dear One. Don’t try so hard to keep these parts of yourself separated from one another.  Open yourself up so that you can see/share/experience both realities simultaneously – your spiritual perfection and your physical imperfections.  You are spectacular any way you look at it.

Allow both of these identities to come into focus at once and live your life authentically, auspiciously and fully awake.

Embrace both your spiritual and physical self at once and you will see a new world emerge before you eyes, boundaries will shift and limitations will disappear.

On: The fork

By |2022-03-03T00:19:28-05:00March 3rd, 2022|English|

Avoidance or Creation.

Which path are you going to choose to take today, Dear One?

Are you going to make this day about doing your best to avoid that which you do not want to see, hear, feel, or experience, or about creating that which you do?

Choose wisely because these two paths extend out in opposite directions from one another, and will most definitely not lead you to the same place.

On: Sacred acts

By |2022-03-02T01:10:52-05:00March 2nd, 2022|English|

Meeting the deadline, finishing the job, maintaining the relationships, finding what’s missing, fixing what’s broken, cleaning up the mess, etc.   If you view all of these things as nothing more than tasks that need to be completed throughout your day, your week, your life, Dear One, then that is all that they can or ever will be to you.

But the truth is that they hold the potential to be so much more than that.

The truth is that the completion of every task that you take on, big or small, important or mundane, forced or chosen, is an act of creation/creativity, and every act of creation/creativity is a sacred act.

This is your life, Dear One, and these are the events in it.

You should know that you are truly missing out on something potentially amazing if all you are doing is enduring them.

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